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Thanks to Ayala Klimek

Freud's Concepts 76-757-01

Lesson 1: 21/5/08

Screen time - òú/æîï îñê:

Written by Spero. A person chooses to remember a time in which he thinks something happened, because he does not want to remember another time. This is not a real memory, rather it covers another memory. A person also perceives times differently. A person has a distorted perception of time and did not come to treatment.


1856: Freud was born in Pribor, Czech Republic. (Freiberg)

Came from religious family. His father was a businessman and the family moved to Vienna. Freud became less religious over the years but his wife continued to light Sabbath candles. He had two half brothers from his father's first wife, who are still religious and whose families live in UK. Freud's father remarried and Amilia was his second wife, Freud's mother. In the world it is the end of the Crimean war. Woodrow Wilson (president USA) was born and German poet died.

1859: Freud's family move to Leipzig. (After WWII Freud, his wife and Anna were saved but Freud's other sister dies n Auschwitz). Darwin writes the Origin of the Species. They started building the Suez Canal. Schopenhauer's book influenced Freud and Hitler.

USA - civil war which ends in 1865.

1865: Young Freud enters gymnasium. Red-Cross in Geneva. Israel still not acknowledge. Mendel and the laws of heredity though pure observation. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. John Hyatt invented celluloid, plastic. Franco-Prussian war.

1873: Freud heard a lecture by Darwin about nature. Read Oedipus Rex. He entered a world of science and began to learn medicine in the University of Vienna. Lawson invented the bicycle. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Also invented a version of sign language. The battle of big horn - Indians and General Kasten.

1877: Freud's first publication in which he spoke of the bisexual eel. Edison invented the phonograph and later the filament placed into the light bulb.

1881: Dr. Sigmund Freud graduated. He got engaged with Martha Beranys. Russia the Czar was murdered. Causes of TB were discovered.

1885: A doctor in Vienna. Was very perceptive and understood body language and disease. He began his research on clinical usage of Cocaine. Freud went to learn hypnoses to treat hysteria.

1886: Freud opens his private practice for neurological treatment of hysteria. He married Martha after 4 years engagement. Treated nervous system diseases. He uses hypnoses. USA - the Statue of Liberty was uncovered.

Lesson 2: 28/5/08


Freud felt that hypnoses works but the therapist needs to be active is use suggestion. He was a doctor and a scientist and felt the need to have a distance between the doctor and patient. Freud sometimes touched his patients on their forehead, but felt uncomfortable with touch, and feared that patient would become hysterical. A person got sick through suggestion so maybe there should be more to getting healthy than just suggestion. So what else can there be to substitute hypnosis - analysis - where the patient lies in an operation room or lounge, not completely disconnected from himself while speaking. A patient may not acknowledge what was said under hypnoses. Freud wanted to reach the middle of the road in which patient is relaxed, but is aware enough to hear his unconscious. But under these new circumstanced the patient will use resistance - äúðâãåú. Freud understood we need power of words without bypassing the unconscious. Therefore we need dreams, free association and transference. Freud understood that a person hates him because he thinks Freud is his father. A person wants to make an unknown situation less anxious by experience it as familiar like home. Freud understood that transference is also resistance. Some patents did not want to hear what Freud said to them and wanted to terminate treatment. Freud understood that if they turn towards him as God, mother, father or themselves (mirror transference). It is an important tool. What will enable max use or transference without it been too much of resistance? The technique for most patients is good but only selective populations were treated and it was expensive. Today analysis is used for borderlines, psychotics, children, and sick people.

Gertrude Blank & Blank (social workers): 3 books on psychoanalysis, object relations.

1892: Write books about aphasia - disorder of words and understanding the use and meaning of language (Broke and Vernike). Freud was less interested in neurology and more in words, meanings and why certain words associated. Telling dirty jokes-connected to lack of judgment. Freud began working with Broyer, a neurologist, on patients with hysteria, but in time their methods of treatment drew apart.

1889: World fare in which the Eiffel tower was built.

1894: Dryfuss and anti-Semitism.

1895: Writes the "Project for a scientific study of psychology". We can see his attempt to begin to understand where the brain and mind meet. Anna Freud was born. The X-ray was discovered (metaphorically, enable one to see beyond the manifest, and therefore leads to other associations). Cinema. Oscar Wild wrote pornographic book.

1896: Psycho-analysis. Freud's father died. Freud had heart problems and anxiety attacks, smoking was bad for him. He begins to understand dreams, psychopathology, anxiety and psychoses, how traumas are formed.

1897: There is a shadow falling on Vienna with anti-semitic mayor.

1899: "The Interpretation of Dreams". Freud loved this book. He wrote many sexual ideas in this book. "The way to the unconscious". "Psychopathology of everyday life" - connected to slip of tongue, minor accidents, mistakes etc.

1900: There are the 4 blood types. Nitchze dies.

1902: Freud establishes the "Psychoanalytical society on Wednesday evening".

1903: The Write Brothers fly.

1904: Pavlov gets the Nobel prize. This is the start of behaviourism.

Freud writes three articles on sexuality and publishes the case of Dora. Publishes a book on "Jokes/ wits and their affect on unconscious". Einstein writes his "General theory of Relativity". Marx - economics. Levi Strauss. Many great Jews in this decade.

Carl Abraham and her student Melanie Klein (Hungary), who spoke of 2 Oedipus stages, the pre-Oedipus and Oedipus stage. Austro- Hungary conquered Bosnia Herzegovina. Picasso and Brok invent cubism. There is cross fertilization between Freud and the world of art, surrealism. Artists bring from the fantastic world and connect them to the manifest. Like Freud takes from the unconscious and makes it conscious.

1909: Freud sails to USA with Jung. Lectures at Clark, Princeton. Some psychologists were impressed by his work.

1912: Jung returns to USA. Freud publishes "Totem and Taboo". Freud makes reference to religion and identifies obsessions in religion. He was interested in phallic symbols and taboos. Studied tribes who kill and eat king and take his wife. Freud spoke of internalizations (from eating to symbolic internalization). Internalisation begins with something very primitive physically eating. Later it becomes symbolic internalization. Prust wrote "Memory of things passed" or more literary "In search of lost times".

1914: Jung leaves psychoanalysis and begins analytical psychology and his archetypes.

1919: End of WWI. Wolfred Byon wrote "Memoirs of the Future", who was also a tank general. Later became a psychoanalyst. Freud writes introductory lectures to psychoanalysis. De Saussure wrote introduction to Linguistics. Balfour Declaration.

Freud sees many soldiers who returned from the war, and learns about psychosomatic disorders and was shock. Treaty of Versailles. Light could be bent (based on theory of Einstein).

Lesson 3: 4/6/08

1919: Many people experience wars and trauma and survive and do not have PTSD or other symptoms. Therefore the mental level is very important not only the trauma that was experienced. Therefore fantasy and how a person experienced and processed the event is what matters. Freud found that trauma patients relive the experience in reoccurring dreams. Why? Because the event has not been digested or internalized or given form or "installed" in the imagination (shtell). When a fantasy enters the unconscious it becomes real because the unconscious does not differentiate between the two. Once there is fantasy there is not way for a person to know whether what is in the unconscious is real or not. We know there is a concrete truth. We need fantasy to process things and to work through them, we cannot only work with the concrete facts. Fantasy comes from between area of unconscious and concrete. In our clinical work we are working with a patient on what she remembers from her childhood and the reality of the family which abused children. The patient sees there is proof or abuse in reality and this enforces a fantasy in the unconscious. A person cannot know how much he fantasized trauma and created trauma for herself and preventing another worse mental illness. Today seeing concrete trauma encourages her to remove focus from her fantasy about this trauma. A person is driven by fantasies. We do not know what the % of fact or fantasy is. We can all kill someone under circumstances, and in order to kill we need fantasy. There are normal fantasies which are common to most people. Fantasy is an imaginative way of thought. We do things that we fantasize about (studying, playing music, work etc). "Meta-psychoanalysis of Fantasy" - book. Fantasy - we area talking about a thought system that we see in slips of the tongue, dreams, minor regressions or "unintentional accidents" things done by mistake etc.

1920: His daughter Sophie Dies and this was traumatic for Freud. He publishes "Beyond the pleasure principal" - wish to die, reoccurrence of events in life and of repetitive behaviours. Kierkegaard wrote the book "Repetition". Freud was depressed and liked life and wrote and created till the end of his life and did not take pain killers because it dulled his conscious. Believed that if we were created to die we will deal with it. Psychoanalysis prospers. Oxford University let women to get degrees. The Nazi Party rose.

1921: Group psychology and the analysis of the ego. Freud attempts to understand herds. How can one person stand in front or a crowd, which becomes hysterical as a group. Psychology of the masses. Freud is also speaking about Hitler. Where does he have his power from? The ability to internalize when there is lack creates a need for a leader or god to lead them. BBC had there first transmission. Mussolini rises.

1923: "The ego and the id" - a very important book by Freud who introduced the important change in his model. Till now there was topographic model (unconscious vs. conscious and what was between them and clinical treatment goal was to bring up unconscious material; to deal with resistance. The new model has a tripod or ego, id and superego. He is interested in ego and its unconscious parts (id) and its moral parts (superego- morals and warnings!!!). The new treatment goal is - Where there was id there will be ego. In this year Freud's grandson dies at age 6 which was even more traumatic and affected his functioning and was not himself again. Great depression in Europe in 1921.

1923: " Mien Kamf"- Hitler's book.

"Inhibitions, symptoms and anxiety" - Freud. What is anxiety and how is it expressed.

1927: "Future of an Illusion" - Freud. Speak of religion and how it is a neurosis which allows adults to remain childish with silly beliefs.

1929: USA - Fall of Wall street and many people commit suicide and Freud perceives this as a mass hysteria. People could not cope. Fleming invented penicillin and medicine was not the same, this was a revolution.

1930: Freud writes "Civilization and its Discontent" - A book with 3 different titles. It's a pessimistic description of civilization and what a person has to give up on to be part of the civilization. She needs shame and guilt which turn him into a person and not an animal with instincts etc.

Freud corresponds with Einstein about why people kill and why war exists. Roosevelt became president of USA.

1933: Book burning all Jewish books religious and Freud. Hitler saw in Freud how people reduce themselves to instincts. Hitler gains power. Austrian Chancellor murdered by Nazis. Mao-Tse-Tung.

1937: Freud is 80 and is in UK. He was honoured to be a corresponding fellow in British analytical society.

1938: Munich pact. Anshlus - Austria German pact. Freud writes "Moses and Monotheism"

1939: WWII. Nylon stockings were invented. In September 1939 - Freud dies.

1942: All his sisters died in Treblinka. Anna Freud is still in UK with analytical school. Ernest Jones. Melanie Klein. Donald Winnecotte.

Lesson 4: 11/6/08

Screen Memory - æéëøåï îñê:

Article was written in 1895, when he was just Freud, a doctor and neurologist. It is a memory that covers. Sometimes a memory that a patient brings is a memory and sometimes a fantasy. One memory covers other memories. We are not intending that the first is more important that the screen memory but is covers or hides or protect it. It can also elaborate or embellish the other memory. It may protect it because it is fragile and the patient has a reason to hide it. The screen memory protects it when the first is not ready for publication. It activates the first/rejected memory. Psychoanalytic theory says that two thoughts do not have to be connected to the same time context. In narrative theories they see a story, but we cannot know chronological order of events in the dynamics of the mind. There is anarchistic note to memories. Freud took his own memory and analyses it and gives us much information.

The main term of the article -ôòåìä ãçåéä/áãéòáã - the principle of deferred action. The acting was postponed or put off. ìîôøéò - something occurred but we still need more time. Like buying property and it belonging to the person from the day of the contract and not from the moment that all conditions fulfilled. Freud it giving us a formula. Freud translates this term to a clinical example:

A girl entered a shop and did not want to buy a dress but her mother forced her to buy it for her sister's bat mitzvah. The young sister was jealous. When the girl entered the shop she tried a dress on and looked at herself in the mirror and was sure that the seller was laughing at her. She ran out of the shop and returned to her mother. The girl was jealous of her sister, ambivalent, then tried the dress on liked it and was in conflict and power struggle with mother. She could not stand the idea of bring in front of her mother and hearing "I thought you didn’t want a dress". She was neurotic.

What happened here? Freud studied and came across another prior memory. She walked into a shop and the male sellers looked at her and touched her shoulder, complemented her. There was a sexual atmosphere there. She did not share this with her mother but it was in her mind. Now when she came into shop and saw herself as beautiful and saw the seller smiling - it disturbed her and evoked the first repressed memory. There could even be earlier memories and even myths.

The basic myths and foundations of the mind are archetype. They are common to all of us and are myths and not real facts. But some things are similar. Their may be jealousy of one parent towards a child because the other parent gives him more attention.

Therefore this girl also has another memory/ fantasy of Oedipus. The myth is part of her mental makeup. The ability of the first memory is also disturbed by the Oedipus memory. Maybe her father does not trust women and believes that they tempted men and the girl picked this message up. But the fantasy is there as the myth.

The principle of deterred action is laying down one memory onto another onto another etc. This is how the internal world is constructed. But if there are memories that are not organized then other memories will be placed onto it. A person will bring his memories into treatment but it will take time till he reaches an earlier memory. The latest memory is not where the bone is buried! The oedipal myth may be behind all of them. If there is trauma in early childhood then we can assume that all future memories will be based on this early pain and will hind to show that there is something sensitive beyond these memories till the source of the trauma is reached.

æéëøåï çéôåé - is a simple standard memory, not a complex one like in the story of the girl in the shop. Screen memories are usually standard. "Uberdeutlich" is something connected to the obvious. A person may talk about a banal dream or an event but may not know why he remembers it, because it seems disconnected. The story is banal but there is something prominent (colours, objects, intense feeling) - this will usually be a version of the first memory or may be a part of it.

Lesson 5: 18/6/08

In 1900 Freud wrote a book on dreams in which he describes many dreams including his own. He had a friend Wilhelm Fleece who was a muse for him. Fleece suggested that Freud not put many person memories of his into the book. Fleece felt he revealed too much from his internal world. It was not yet known that a therapist should be objective and not reveal about his internal world because all of this is part of the therapeutic tools. Freud felt that Fleece was not correct. Clinically felt that Fleece was right but he also wanted to present his theory and bring himself as an example. This is "psychoanalytical transgression" - must have been done but is against psychoanalytical principles. It is like a myth that cannot be known without being written. It is written like a prophecy so that when it happens a person will feel that he was there before. A person must meet a boundary or limit in order to live. A child needs to put his finger in the electric plug, to bite the breast, to feel the boundary and to know where it starts. The story of creation can be read as a story and mans need to transgress. Man had no choice but to sin. The myth says that God knows man and knows he will sin and this will let him know the truth. Man cannot enjoy the fruit of his hands if he did not sin or test the boundary. Language is also a boundary - if we call a cow a cow we cannot call it something else. Man cannot live without the original sin.

Freud original sin - he treated his daughter and his friends and himself (he used his friends as objects of transference). Since Freud no one said I can treat myself, I don’t need others to treat me. Today we know that a person cannot she his hunchback. We know there is transference. He did something that he should not have done but he had no choice because he had no other therapist etc.

His book on dreams he introduces most of his concept. He refers to the idea that memories and in layers, one covering and hiding the other. Wrote a story of Moses, who was stoned.

The goal in treatment is not to search for the truth, rather the patient's truth and whether he can deal with it. What Freud did in treatment is incestial. Our goal is treatment is to forbid incest on all levels. People and cultures always have a boundary about with whom to have sex and who to keep a distance from.

Fleece said Freud must remove family secrets from this book. Freud agreed while he was still in the process of writing his book and removed most of his personal dreams. He talks of the specimen dream but we are not sure what it was. Didie Enzure - wrote about skin ego and about Freud's self-analysis. After Freud removed his dreams from the book he had writers block (pavor calami), pavor=fear, calami=pencil case. Fear of lifting pen and inability to write. The book was published. Freud wrote another article so that he could continue writing the book. That article was screen memories. In this article an early memory covers a later memory. Freud does not present this type of memory in any other literature. Classical screen memories - the later/second memory hides an early memory!! He talks about children and these were Freud, his nephew and cousin. Later he talks of a girl Giselle whom he loved. Freud needed to write his memories somewhere and wanted to be close to the material he wrote.

Lesson 6: 25/6/08

Screen memories

Pg 303: " with fragmentary recollection which remain in patients memory from early years of childhood. Childhood memories are of psychological interest because they help us understand memory in adults and children". Children are able to remember as well as they need to remember and they can remember even to age two years old. "Earliest years of children have ineradicable traces in depths of our mind. We have many dubious banal memories from childhood" - why? Freud hypothesizes that these banal memories hide other more traumatic significant memories which are below or intertwined with this banal memory.

Pg 304: "We are so much accustoms to this lack of memory of the impression of childhood that we apt to overlook the problem underlying it… a child of age 4-5 already exhibits highly organized mental functioning…. There is no obvious reason why amnesia should overtake these psychical acts, which carry no less weight than those of a later age".

V. & C Henri: 88 people remembered memories from age 2-4 and some even remembered memories from the first year.

Hungarian patient who remembered the well, the tree and having purple stained hands from eating jagody. She had certain memories but no memories about pre-war Hungary, Germans and threats.

Lesson 7: 2/7/08

Screen memory

The memory which covers is less relevant than the memory which has been covered. But the covering screen memory is also important!! But the memory which is covered is more important because it has been hidden. From the type of screen memory chosen we learn about defense mechanisms and how people cover these latent memories.

David Shapiro - "Neurotic Styles" (1968). There were many books on cognitive styles. Shapiro claims that if a person who is psycho-sexual can be borderline, psychotic, obsessive hysterical, depressed then there must be a thought processes which represents these psychodynamic configurations. Maybe there are hysterical thought processes and anxiety-depression styles. There is a very good book on "styles of personality like antisocial style". A story is read with facts and people remember different facts in hysterical and disassociative ways.

Both memories are important and we need to refer to both clinically. But hidden memory is more important and this is what we look for, even though both dimensions are important.

Pg 307:

"We shall them form a notion that two psychical forces are concerned in bringing about these memories. One of them motivates to remember, the other resistance. These forces to do cancel each other out, nor does one overpower the other, instead they the compromise - remembered image which is not relevant (resistance), what is recorded is a displaced memory closely associated to original memory (will to remember)". Therefore, screen memory is always associated to hidden memory, and this is proven clinically. If screen memory has oral, anal, oedipal, gender themes then the hidden memory respectively will deal with that specific theme. Lacan says that connection of screen and hidden memory is arbitrary.

Different styles in Oral stage:

Hysterical style - oral stage (talking, persuading, doing other things with mouth, seducing others etc.) This is all words but nothing more.

Psychotic - in the oral stage, there is no symbolism, no separation-individuation. They do no reach the oedipal stage

Both of these which are on opposite sides of continuum originate in the oral stage.

Human development - of Oedipus process: age 3-5:

Oral (0-1), anal (control games, 1-2); phallic (each sex knows what sexual organs they have and what they don’t have. There are two sexes in the world). In the phallic stage the oedipal complex arises because the child realizes that he is like father so why can't he live with mother like father is with her. A conflict arises because he loves father but is a jealous of him. In abusive families there is also Oedipus but more intense and complex, even though the child would love to hate the parent. Till age 6-7 the Oedipus complex must be solved. The child needs to determine his sexual identity - I am a man, similar to father, but different because I will never have mother and I am in a different generation. Each sex understands that they need to find a similar figure to the mother to be similar to father. The complex gets resolved. In oedipal stage a person has to decide his sexual identity.

We often need a situation in which difference between male and female is defined - a clear unequivocal sexual identity; and sometimes it is more abstract - a mixture of both feminine and masculine qualities.

In psychoses we have pre-oedipal disorders (ego, relationships, identity, has not dealt with Oedipus complex and gender identity is not clear).

How can orality explains psychoses and neurotic depressions/ borderlines/ hysteria?

Once a person gets to oedipal stages the previous stages still exist. A person enters this oedipal stage with aspects of the oral and anal stages in the form of imagination. They are not fixated in these stages but can think or fantasize of oral or anal or phallic. We see an oedipal stage, sexual identity is determined. When we determine the transference and type of relationships, ways of thinking, etc we can see the type of personality. The post-Oedipus character/sense of the personality is still interested symbolically in anal and oral themes. A post-Oedipal personality will be able to think of the oral or anal stages but not in a fixated manner.

Pg 311: "There I am met by material - one rather long scene and several smaller pictures. The scene appears indifferent and I cannot understand why is has become fixed in my head". Description of memory: meadow land, green and thickly grown with yellow flowers dandelions. There is a cottage and two women talking. Three children are playing in the grass (Freud age 3, boy cousin and his sister). They are picking the yellow flowers and they each have a bunch. The little girl has the "best bunch", and they two boys fall on her and snatch her bunch. She runs away in tears and as a consolation gets a big piece of black bread. They throw the flowers away and also want bread and get. The bread is delicious and at that point the scene breaks off" - castration. Freud does not know why he remembers this memory. Maybe he behaved not nicely to the girl. Is it the dandelion - which is a flower I dislike today….

Pg 313: "ultra-clear yellow". If we associatively follow the ultra yellow colour we reach the hidden memory of his youthful sexual desire. Its is a memory which chronologically comes first but in therapy is expressed later. It is from an earlier developmental stage but psychologically it comes second. The screen memory covers an earlier memory but the first memory comes from conflicts and complexes common to all humans.

Pg 321: "The recognition of this fact must diminish the distinction we have drawn between screen memories and other memories derived form childhood". We cannot distinguish between hidden memories and real memories. Freud says most memories are screen memories, until otherwise proved.

Lesson 8: 9/7/08

There is sometimes screen language in therapy. Presenting a case from northern Europe in a country like Sweden, which is bilingual. She spoke a mother tongue which she didn’t like, and Swedish, which she preferred. She speaks fluent English and is a lecturer. Her Hebrew is not good. The treatment was in English. She did not want treatment in Swedish when she had the chance with another lecturer. She has many plays on words, puns and there is something about her use of language. "I was bored". Sometimes she used words from her mother tongue, and says "as we used to say __". Spero cannot know or judge what the word means but heard many syllables in the word bored in her language. Complementary counter-transference - Spero did not like the language but nor did she like her mother tongue. Maybe this is what she wanted to transfer to Spero, the alienation from the language. Does one language cover another? Her mother tongue is hidden by her ability to speak to Spero in English. English is a nice language and she feels comfortable with it and wants to sit with someone who loves his mother tongue. In her mother tongue there are masculine and feminine words, unlike in English. She can also speak about things without letting therapist know conjugations and gender of words. Her mother nappied her and presenter her femininity, which she dislikes, in the mother tongue.

Eva Hoffman: "Lost in translation" - she moves from language to language and how she sees changes in identity.

Screen Time

There is a case of a patient who was chronically late for his treatment more than 70% of time and 140 hours that he was absent from treatment. The patient had homosexual problems and the therapist was Father Meissner, a priest. Is this a confession?

Coming late is passive aggressive behaviour, and is anal. Time comes from the anal stage, when it becomes important and significant, can be quantified.

Meissner tried to deal with the patient disappeared. He felt the patient wanted to take himself out of the therapy - this is very obvious and concrete - he is not there, so he escapes treatment. Spero does not think that this is the correct explanation; rather, the patient is bringing his distorted watch into the therapy, even though he is not physically there. But he is there because Meissner felt guilty because he charged him. The patient knows this too. Meissner tried too hard not to fee his counter-transference, because he thought this was not good. Today we know that counter-transference is an important tool if it is constructive. Maybe counter-transference can be used to understand the patient. What the patient wanted Meissner to feel that the patient is drowning - drowning in time etc. He did this by taking care of circumstances so that Meissner will also drown. But Meissner was a nice guy and forgave him. The patient said that his father wanted to drown him and dunked him. In Meissner's article there is a graphic representation of treatment times and coming late. Do we not understand the number of session without the graph? Spero claim that this is an escape from something. We see a swimming pool with the surface of the water. The patient was dunked and these few seconds could have felt like hours.

Conclusion: Time is spoken about. Maybe the patient is escaping treatment, but maybe he wanted to be treated and used time to express something. The therapeutic hour is a screen time. Not being there is not being able to breath or being underwater feeling as if he's drowning.

Lesson 9: 16/7/08

Article: The Unconscious

Pg 171: Just as Kant warned us….

There are perceptions which we are not aware of. We do not see things but unconsciously pick things up or register. We do not see things that are conflictual for us.

There are two types of perception. One is colored by subjectivity and the other is influenced by the unconscious. (Kant)

Psychoanalysis warns us not to equate perceptions by means of conscious….

Perception by means of consciousness - perception does not come though the consciousness because it is not pure it is also created through something and therefore are not really the reality. We have created our consciousness though experiences.

There are other perceptions which are not connected to the reality at all, like a dream, whose contents seem so real that people may sleep walk at act on the dream (do they not register the perceptions that they are walking outside the house and its dark and they are still in their pygamas.

Lacan - without words we cannot talk about consciousness. Then infant begins to learn language through which we will perceive.

Unconscious mental processes which are their (perceptions) objects - unconscious fantasies (a type of representation). There are unconscious ideas.

One of the characteristics of the unconscious is that there is no NO. The word itself may appear but not as a concept.

Freud also said not only this, but the principle of contradiction is not valid in the unconscious. This principle of contradictions claims that something cannot be equal to its negative (A single person cannot be married ; A cannot equal -A). He said this twice, first the principle and then an example.

Love is like a flowering cloud - this is the metaphor because it is on the boundary.

When we see No we need to consider that the pre-conscious and parts of ego are playing with these conflicts.

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