feeling of power/control
i.e. when you are in a hospital, you sense a loss of control. Thus, you feel:
b/c passive
-in the health system, today, one sometimes has the option of choosing what doctor\therapy\etc.--> ‘power’ of resources in order to get best treatment
is all on the individual level
-->usually in our case, doctors/physiotherapist
-->each professional
group will try to help the client in a way that will make them independent
of this professional group (in long run it is worth it to help client
in this way, even though in the short run, it is worth it to keep control
over them)
sick rights law 1996:
-people sue: in the short run, he will sue if he has a chance of lots of $
-->long run: defensive medicine: more tests in order to avoid being sued, sometimes to absurd levels
health system more expensive
-in caesarian birth -->Dr.
earns more for less time on birth/baby has less damage.
-hard to make a new community
haskama meidait:
has to explain b/f touching you
chok bruit leumi
1990 =mas bruit mamlachti = so that every one gets health
àcapitation formula = every health system
gets according to # of members
-everyone gets ‘sal briyut’ = of medication/checking /hospitalization
àcan sue if he doesn’t get treatment
Avi – 037528358
Oct. 29, 2002
dr. is able to decide many things i.e. decide goals of direction of
what gives me power? – resources:
Theories of Empowerment
-especially after WWII
Sources of power:
individual empowerment:
-based on everyone having the ability to control their own life:
àbased on the interaction b/w them and
their environment
Process of empowerment:
-shift from passive to active
[key word = active]
Personality factors:
àinf. Motivation/stress situations: the more you think that you are able, the more you bother (i.e. loosing weight)
1) anger/frustration regulation
2) the way you express yourself
-more empowerment: better:
the worse drs. Leave or improve
the drs.’s positions!!!
-b/c of the monetary prob.s that were exaggerated after the medical laws:
mashlim: **
lack of knowledge: more anxiety
b/f surgery, but it dep. on expose to dr. and the content of this exposure
group – national health law -1995:
-people were asked h. they perceived the new law
àmany people were satisfies: especially
less education/rich/elderly
irony: most people didn’t
feel any change!!!!
-most $ went to imp building/uniforms ànot
dec 17
how to get the power to enact my interests
-until now, the ‘political’ players in health system did not include the sick. Today, there is an attempt to empower the medical system.
evil, since politics (i.e. power/interest struggle) has b/c part of
the system
system’s resources
individual’s increasing resources:
ways to motivate the ind. to act on his rights:
question: how do you choose an institution/dr.
choosing a doctor
choosing hospital
-in order to choose, you need criterions (i.e. in order to know quality)
àyou can’t always know results, but you can see the interaction
w/ dr. has a high correlation to the quality of treatment/result
group presentation
-many countries made as reform in health system in 90s since they couldn’t deal w/ expenses
àdespite expenses, their service weren’t
-the problem was that they focused on the health service givers, but not the costumers!!! You need to empower them in order to have the health [economic] reformation work
àless services/checking needed for diagnosis, i.e. by informing him of what is not necessary/unnecessary medications/hospitalization
àyet there is more compliance of the
patient/more integrated service
-the point of the reformation in Israel is to make competition b/w the hospitals and thus make them more efficient
the client doesn’t have enough knowledge àyou need to know where to going order
to have a good choice
asymmetry: the hospital
have resources but the client doesn’t!!! (so you need to give him
the knowledge resource in order to balance the asymmetry caused by the
‘economic’-style reformation.
Question: why enter patient into political game
Answer: b/c it is inevitable
-p.89-108 are the most imp
in the obligation book -->motivation question
3 kinds of empowerment
tries to connect b/w the micro and the micro
3 theoretic premises:
-there is a split b/w private/public and thus is a patrilineal power that maintains the women out àthey can’t change the system [so fast]
àif the community gets into system,
the women’s status goes up, since they are now a group and not a lower-statused
(woman) group
2) transactional
(psychological approach)
have to look at the relationship and the context that takes place b/
the patient and the Dr.
structures are created by human interaction, yet they also allows for
this interaction: main idea: structure and interaction are interlinked
(theory of giddens)
àwhat defines those interactions
-individual empowerment: humane
interaction, yet communal empowerment changes the rules!!! /professional
empowerment: humane interaction from w/I the institutionalized system
that allows for community and ind. empowement
-people try to change by grouping themselves into large groups: i.e. in self-help groups
might not be able to do so by themselves, or be motivated to do so.
Professional empowerment:
(not workers empowering) the professionals help both the community and
ind. to empower themselves: i.e. nurse teaching ind. of their medical