Mediniyut Vesherutim - Policy and Social Services

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  1. What is mediniyut?

Muddling through: a term used to express that to get to goal, you edge slowly towards it- so why mud? Because decision-making is a dirty job – many object on the way to reaching your goal

-when you have a policy, you have clear set of B/H

Kinds of actions

Asiya Chiyuvit: saying to do something

Asiya shlilit : specifically not doing something

Mediniyut Mutzheret: things that I have no intention of doing

Mediniyut Lo Mutzheret: We know what we wanna do yet don’t speak about it.

Q) how do I find out the mediniyut?

A) try it out and then you’ll find out

àin other words, mediniyut is what happens in practice and not what people publish

àthis is the definition: what really happens and not what is said

  1. how does it relate to SW?

-traditional job of SW was to help the poor

-they lived in poor neighborhoods

SW mediniyut: happens in courts, Associations, etc…

The point is:

Mediniyut in SW = changes in US. Because we can’t depend on others to do our decisions. I.e. you need contacts who have decision-making powers

Q) at which places do SW mediniyut take place?

  1. government+welfare offices
  2. municipal
  3. “3rd group” – private, Associations
  4. businesses
  5. Globalizations: i.e. outsourced services to foreign investors


Q) how do gov’t work?

A) Pressure of orgs on MK

àGov’t or MK suggest a law

àthose who have the interest (org or MK) write up the law

In gov’t – contradictory forces meet – there is a fight for power, with some negotiation – give and take –not always aesthetic, yet it is absolutely ok.

àafter several rounds of votes – the law is given legal status

-SW needs to lean the system in order to pass law –needs to be a sort of politician


-so as we said, policy is what actually happens and not decisions in principle

social welfare state

-no one ideal model to run such a state

-we have various models from various socialist countries

àthey have much in common but much difference

Bismarck: the German chancellor that unifies Germany (until today, it is a federation)

-significance: until now, all those sub-states of Germany, there are local elections. -Several subjects are a matter of federal

-the federal gov’t is rather weak compared to other federated states

-Bismarck made up the concept of pension (saving throughout working life for old age)

result: gov’t was involved in the control of pension

-the gov’t was responsible for managing those monies

-there is a diff. that we’ll learn later that there is a diff. b/w pension and old-foggy payment

-the main idea here is that gov’t is taking responsibility for its civilians

-until he came, the responsibility of the civilians were in the hands in the religious community and/or with some geographic community (i.e. city)/family

-until then, the system were close to the clientele as well as non-anonymous

-you needed to be personally known in the community

-in the industrial revolution, there is an increase in anonymity as well as an increase in a job-based identity of the individual

ài.e. unions for specific workers

-what is important for those unions that I am no longer X from Tel-Aviv, but rather X the smith

-so the gov’t went on with this model in an anonymous way

-first time that people get help on a wide, anonymous basis and not based on knowing your local big-shot

-with helping the old, there was a need formed a new concept – retirement age (i.e. 60)

-this is not a biological concept but rather a social matter

Bismark decided this b/c/ of:

Question: why did Bismark do this?

Answer: he did this because he feared losing power

-often we see today that social services are made b/c politicians want to remain in power – they fear social unrest

-unions usually worry abouyt the stronger

Tamar Gujanski was one of the few who did help the weak (i.e. single parents, etc…)

Meshilut: the ability to rule

Result of Bismarck:

1910-20 Great Depression. After this, there was a BTL in the US. They gave the unemployment, and a bit of old-foggy installments (social security)

àblack market goes up, and with that the social gap

main point: social unrest is perceived as a threat by the gov’t. They just want quiet!

-so that’s why they give basic needs (minimally) in times of economic uncertainty

àthey do it as much as is necessary to have people shut up

how was this translated into actions?

-Beverege: a British Member of parliament

-in 1942, in middle of WWII gave in a comprehensive plan (gov’t’s request) – they wanted to make a social security institution

Note: -traditionally, income supplement were the weak of soc. who could not work (vs. the able who just not working)

-beverege’s ideas spread through Europe

-this Kanevsky, a union guy, builds a similar system which dev. into BTL

Beverege’s Idea:

-through adult life, a person pays the gov’t, and this $ is given to the population when they are in justified situations in the future – i.e. old

-those are normative cases in normal life:

-unemployment/ld age/work accidents

-those things threaten your ability to income

main idea: that system deals with giving people their minimal needs in time of need

-they force the individual – they individual can’t say, I don’t want to be part of this!

-in Israel: social insurance: I pay and I get back in event of emergencies/needs

-vs. regular insurance who will get bankrupted and you have none to speak to

-but here, the gov’t pours in $ when BTL is bankrupt (i.e. to avoid social unrest!)

important Idea:

-there is a diff. b/w income tax and BTL

-when you work, you pay income tax àno connection b/w tax and its usage

-in BTL,

-BTL, Health tax, they go to specific things


  1. old –1%
  2. Sheerim –1%
  3. Reserves –1/2%
  4. Health –5%
  5. Kids 1%

Health and the rest is both in BTL

BTL also runs national health law!!!

-so in our pay form, 2 of 5% reductions it doesn’t look as big as 1 10%

-yet if they label too much, they it looks so much – so best way to split it is 5% wand 5%

-so, unlike income tax, in BTL, there is a connection b/w the collection and the $’s usage

-if I got too much in one clause (i.e. old clause of BTL payments) and a deficit in another thing, then I cannot transfer the $.

-so politicians can’t use the $, you have $

-this system gives civilians somewhat of a security (i.e. in event of emergency, they get the $ and have minimal existence).

-the gov’t has interest to change this, in order to maintain social order

-over the years, this system proved itself, despite several its problems

-that is why in economic crisis, there was so social upheaval

class: 6/11/06


Central point -when we look at social services countries, they can be split into 2 broad categories:

  1. the gov’t has a central role: in terms of running the system (they also dictate the kind of services-they either run the system and/or also pay for its workers) and taking the $ (by taxes/BTL/ect.
  2. The gov’t raises the $ but they are not the ones running the system

-BTL pays for most of health. Some are paid by social services office.

thus there is a diff b/w needs and person’s right

ài.e. he might need it, but does he have the money to deal with it

social services

-Social services are funded by general taxes (not directed specifically to Social services

àand thus its budget is more constrained than BTL àunlike BTL, they have to compete for gov’t budget

àmust differentiate b/w the general amount and the internal split of the $

-usually, every year they get about the same $, yet internally is the important changes

ài.e. with time, more old-foggy expenses rise, thus community expenses went downàchanges were made b/c of the changes on the streets, but more accurately to the political ends of what happens on the street

-i.e. whoever makes more noise, usually gets more

àthere is only a limited amount of $ - can’t raise taxes, thus the sum is pretty constant

-there are also pressures on MKs, not only politicians within themselves

-the social services are structured much more diffusely than BTL. They have very few direct services- they out-sources! They only haver K. Mivchan/Adults. (they are Ovdei Medina). They work across the country with same standard, and are under gov’t control

àused to be Chasut Hanoar (social services peogram that b/c if court order, takes juvenile delinquents to institutions. Today, there is a trend to move them to private sector. Same with retarded’s institutions. Same with with omna families (kid lives in other family, with gov’t funding [through some waystations]. The inspection is not gov’t anymore).

municipal services – city

0the gov’t give municipality $ to run social services. The municipality runs this

there are 4 areas in which the social services work:

  1. the gov’t
  2. municipal
  3. 3rd group
  4. business

gov’t = BTL



3rd group:

-Associations (Amuta): hen someone wants to advance his cause. He gets his $ into a bank-account in the name of the association (so that income tax doesn’t take it). Also, when there are accidents, insurance won’t recognize it as work accident unless there is a legally recognized body. (so that owner won’t be personally sued)

-when person whats to have a extra-familial cause, he has to make a legal body called amuta= the term helps people advance good causes

-very easy to make such a thing!

-basically, the only the only criteria is that it can’t be against the law

There was this Supreme court trial – about a association (matav) helping in Siud

àsince the gov’t now outsourcing to companies. Matav was recognized as a Malkar- not-for-profit organization (helps themselves by calling themselves by getting lower taxes). àthe companies sued matav by saying that what do they and not us get income benefits?

-new concept: chevra letovat hatzibut – somewhere b/w association and company

àthe gov’t says: what you’re doing is not like non-for-profit, so you won’t get tax benefits

-1st group (migzar) = gov’t

-3rd group- associations that are involved in the social realm that are not for business and they are not governmental either. They can work in whatever they feel is right

-they are in huge increase. The increase started in 80s, with gov’t support

why in the 80s? b/c there was as increase in old-foggies (there was less oldies b/c of the holocaust.

-until then, there was no law helping them out. Siud law only helped when they had budget. So they needed a law. Then they had a huge discussion about setting this up –question: are the Siud people gov’t workers? There was a decision in principle saying that Siud that we’re putting this service into the free market (unlike the gov’t workers who think about the lowest price)

main idea – there is an ideological switch to outsourcing (rightwing/capitalistic view is strengthening – vs. socialist view)

àthen you had old-foggy helping associations coming out of the municipal social services (social services paid the municipalities) – the soc. services did not want this services to remain in the municipalities, so that they will have less responsibility over this. –reasoning: “we don’t want to increase the state worker”

class 13/11/06

-amutot – look more like for profit company

-the division that we did has to do with their goals

Amuta:– for a “good cause”

Private company: for the profit of owner

Another kind of division:

-organizational level, do the NFP and companies behave differently? (i.e. beurocrasy/cash-flow, ranking w/I the organization/formality in the organization/relation to the bank)


-there are different answers here

-the main difference is b/w the gov’t and the others:

àgov’t (or municipality works after there is a budget. They have to stick to budget, and they don’t work according to cash-flow

àgov’t agency is told: “you have $x to spend” and he starts spending it” – so lets say he wants a conference, so he goes to the Chashav, and tells him I need 300,000 for the conference and so the Chashav signs the check – the head of the given gov’t agency doesn’t see the $ - just sends the receipts. (of course he needs to hand in a planned budget beforehand)

-the agency head might wanna hire someone new – the budget is already set! But there is a set number of places. Even if he tries to take $ away from budget for HR purposes. There is a concept of a maximum threshold of employees.

àif there is a project, he can hire someone new, but this person will not be a gov’t worker – when project is over, so is the job (it’s the project’s worker, not the agency) – thus there is no tenure, and is not a gov’t worker.

-the gov’t agency boss doesn’t deal w/ money. The $ is taken care of, including wages. All he had to do is spend the $ that the gov’t gives him for running purposes.

-he is evaluated by: did he manage to spend and run all of the budget he wanted.

àif he didn’t spend it, he’ll be blamed for not doing all he planned, and he’ll get less $ and it will be assumed that he won’t need as much next year

àand you can’t change the destination of the $

-a good boss: will get into minus so that he can say he needs more $

-if he overspends, then he can over-convince the Chashav to give him the budget

-the good managers take $ beyond what they are really supposed to do, and gov’t has deficit

àthis is the culture of gov’t agency boses

municipality level

-they get $ from gov’t and local taxes

-(smaller towns get a larger proportion from the gov’t)

-the local boss can just overspend so much. W/o being fired

-but the smaller towns went overboard in their over-spending

-can’t do overhiring, beyond what internal ministry said, so you overpay by adding tons of “additions” w/o speaking and getting permission (despite it being illegal)

-so the gov’t sais: pay back: and the local municipality said: we’ll cut schools and then gov’t said: so lay back people – so the municipality said, no problem, we’ll fire teachers. So the gov’t gave up.

Problem: the gov’t can’t enforce its own rules.

Politics: if you make me cut wages, I won’t vote for you in party platform

2 treasure ministries wanted to put a stop to this!- too much over-spending

  1. poraz
  2. Bibi

-so now many local municipalities can’t cover wages!

Conclusion: there is a budget and the gov’t and municipality in practice don’t have to do worry. They just can’t hire- that is the HR department’s job

3rd force/businesses

-we want to hire. So they have to ask how much $ they have (the expenses are higher than just wages)

-they know the can pay 3 months but have a projective (based on guessed income) budget, they tell person he’ll probably stay for at least the year.

àthey always watch over their budget (gov’t boss doesn’t have to do this)

-they can cancel a project for hiring. (gov’t boss can’t do this)

-they always have to ask: do I have enough $? He can’t overdo his budget àb/f I see the $, I can’t promise

-often in gov’t bodies there is a clause, saying that if budget is not passed, I am not responsibility


development of a social services state in Israel


-helps understand the layout of the interaction b/w gov’t/companies/3rd groups

beginning of the new Yeshuv in Israel

-1777, Jews come from North Africa and E. Europe to Tzfat, Jerusalem, Hevron

-for religious/economic/ideological/anti-Semitism reasons

-they were very poor b/c they didn’t know how to live here – some of them died from starvation

-they asked for help from Jews outside Israel

-there were European consulates here in Israel with an emphasis on missionary work

-the jews who where there for messianic reasons thought that Mashiach will come in year 1840. the missionary groups helped the jews w/ $/food/health with the hope that their Jewish belief in massieh is similar in cause. àhelped them b/c it is the right xtian thing to do.

In 1840 when the massiah didn’t come, the xtians blamed the jews’ sins, so they increased missionm\ary activity. Also tension was on the increase.

à”this is the first time that we’re helping the Jews!?!:

-this influenced the Social services, as we’ll see later

Class – 20/11/2006

Question: what is in common b/w Shas and Gaydamek?

Answer: both go for the socioeconomic poor for their power

-he helped out Shderot people when they were fired at. The political noise started when he made a political statement (I don’t want to be in Knesset is a political statement!)

-missionaries did the same thing

-note: very rarely does social services begin w/ altruism – only done when there is a threat

-same w/ SHAS, gaydamek, Hizbollah, etc… help people b/f elections, etc…

-as soon as Gaydamek made political statement, the gov’t felt threatened by alternatives that step into their realm


-when messiah didn’t come, there was tension b/w Jews and missionaries

-as part of its work, in 1830, they opened a “hospital” àfor poor people to live for a bit – for the poor to come for a bit to rest/eat/treatment of their diseases

-given that at that time, there was a lot of poverty, the need was great – the rich got treatment at home

-after 1840, the missionaries started b/c missionary (since the messiah didn’t come), the Jerusalem leadership of the Jews went against the missionaries – said Jews can’t use the missionary hospital.

-the poor ignored them! They had no alternative – then there was an argument b/w Jewish leadership and Rothschild – the leadership said that we need to give communal services instead of missionaries. Rothschild said that he’ll make one, but the leadership refused saying it was too grandiose. He ignored them and made the “Rothschild Hospital” – a body gave services that a person thought wasn’t enough so he made his own

-service was given by one system àanother system tried to rival themàprivate service rivals both

-the leadership wanted to make hospital not for health reason but b/c of political rivalry from missionaries – but Rothschild said he’s worried about health and blocked leadership from regaining power (besides, he was too modern and secular, so he’s an extra threat!)

-concurrently, the Jews started established Kollels

-in 1777, when the 300 families came they had a great infl. on the Jewish population. They also brought on later Jewish aliya –the Jewish population started growing and changing. So the fund-raises went abroad more often to bring $. The diaspora Jews had enough of giving $ - they came by too often now!

-also a fight over wage of the fundraisers

“Pkidim/Amarkalim De-Amsterdam” – was established to coordinate the funding of the Kollels – the Jews in Israel made this organization so it will be easier to get $ - the Piku had to decide who got the $ - so the fundraiser phenomenon disappeared

-when the Jews came, they had associations for each communities’ people that made aliya. Naturally they first turned to their communities when they needed help (through fundraisers). Until Piku. When Piku came in, communities told it to allocate several % to the mother communities aliya people

àall they had to do was learn torah.

-this is not a new thing – the European Jews were used to sending $ to Jewish in Israel to learn Tora – the change was that the immigrants didn’t see them as poor, but rather as Right to $ based on their learning of Torah (unlike older Jews) à”we are the forerunners of those who can’t come to Israel to learn Torah” àthus they saw the $ that was sent to them as wage àI have a right to ask for the $, since I am doing you a service by learning Torah- the main thrust was to bring the Messiah

-Torato umanuto began here

-these was mostly Ashkenazi people

-peak of Kollels was in 1910

-they were organized based on mother country/city

-there was also an element of comfort – we buy things together/keep culture

-the Kollels had internal rule: “the Kollel members can’t do anything but study”

-the diaspora saw this $ as philanthropy – and thus wanted to dictate what to do with this $, yet Kollels claimed – don’t tell us what to do!

-at some point Piku started saying – we’ll give less $ to Kollels and more t/w other social things

-in 1850 – the kollels allow to concurrently work

àw/o public support, the kollels lost their legitimacy

-eventually almost disappeared

-the concept of learning for $ started there

-the kollels got a ‘kitzba’ - each kollel gave a nominal list of who learns there, and everyone got the same amount regardless of h.m. you learnt. The only things that made difference is the child # àbeginning of universalistic approach?!?

-ask monikudam about last statement


-so in the kollels, there was a shift from úåøúå àåîðåúå towards a individualistic, working society.

-the centrality of work was stronger by 48

By 1920- 40s:

-Kumorno/Alexander Rabbis also started working for a living!

3 groups of people in Kollel

1) in those years, the kollel was intended for known Torah scholars (vs. the past where kollel was for all Torah Learning. There was no longer a learning society.

2) The kollel was known also for the poor – you needed a poor's pass. The poor pass was assigned by Beit-Din of that kollel. With this pass, he was exempt from head tax as well as welfare.

3) working poor –the people who needed pay supplement

-you were supposed to be in Kollel maximum 5 years

-by that time, kollel is no longer a way of living as it was 100 years beforehand

-1906, there was a change in kollel constitution

àdecision: everyone who studies in Kollel has to learn (vs. not allowed to work which was said until then – in practice, the change started beforehand


-from 1777, there were people who made Aliya privately (not organized groups). Those people usually came to cities, mostly Jerusalem. Those Jews also turned to the fundraisers to $ help. Those people are the main source of resource taking from Kollels.

Montifiore 1774-1885 and Rothschild 1845- 1935 were two b-ig philanthropists

The new poor law of Britian 1834

-the old law was the most advanced in Europe in the sense that it was the first which on the state level, decided what o do with the poor – other countries didn't legislate anything about the poor.

-the old law said that the parish was in charge of the helping to his community. The new poor law was made b/c there was a new need. As a result of the industrial revolution, there were more poor. The previous mechanisms did not work anymore. Until now, the community (i.e. parish) had to worry about the poor. Only now did you have whole parishes are poor. Until then, you had parishes and there where rich and poor, and the rich supported the poor. The industrial revolution changed that and then you had paupers (people who walked around doing nothing – there was a demeaning tone to this term).

-the main point of this law was to control the poor, in the sense that they won't be a risk to society (i.e. and gov't)

-the law distinguished b/w the legitimately poor vs. the illegitimately poor. There is a matter of judgment here. The people with power decided which is legitimate and which is not. There is a matching b/w deciding who deserves help and moralistic thinking (this is still a religious society) àso when I help one and not the other, I have a right, since God made me richer and that means I have more say. i.e. my opinion is morally superior because I have resources (God gave it to me since he thinks its my right) and thus my decision has God's morality stamp on it!

-if I am a morally better person, then I have the right to educate him as to how to behave. (since I have the right way! – see: I have the resources)

3 factors leading up to the new law

  1. many poor
  2. gov't fear discontent
  3. religious perspective

-at this period, whoever doesn't work is deviant. Whoever doesn't work needs to work – we will set up "work-houses" for those people

-those who didn't work :

The able

When there was no work:

-get a work-test, so we can see motivation for work – if he does want to work. The men were give heavy rocks to carry back and forth/women were given to undo and re-knit clothes. Thus they could see who had motivation to work (legitimate poor) and those who didn't have motivation to work (illegitimate poor)

When there was work

Supporters gave:

-until now we spoke of those who can theoretically work.

The unable:

-the handicapped were considered the abnormal – they were supported by society, remained poor, and the handicapped is a punishment for something. Thus the handicapped was a punishment, but there is still a need for support

In Israel

Question: how was productivist working view seen in Israel?

Answer: in 1849, the first Kollel (Hod) turns to Montifiore to make a work-study place for the young.

-montifiore held strongly the working/productionist view. He was a banker/politician. He wanted to solve poverty in Israel with employment. He raised $ in England and brought it to Israel. He didn't trust the fundraisers -85% of his investments Israel was for productionist causes

-when the community in Israel didn't accept his productionist conditions. i.e. the old communities didn't want he productionist-geared education. So, Montifiori stopped the $. The fundraisers didn’t stop the $ when they had disagreements. In traditional view, philanthropy is unconditional. Montifiori thought otherwise.

-Montifiori knew the new work law in Britain. He tried to implement it in a moderate way in Israel. On this basis, he had many arguments with old yeshuv (i.e. around the woman's factory)

Class 4/12/06

Class will move next time to naigel

Montifiory – used other's $/85% was for productionist purposes

Rothschild 1845-1934

-used his own $. He was at constant conflict with old yeshuv. He forced many productionist views on them.

-there is some important things we need to know about his approach, since it influences us today.

-often, when town was going to go bankrupt, he bought them. His intention was not to profit from them, but rather as a temporary thing. The hope was when those towns were going to be viable again, he would give them autonomy again. He saw this as a borrowing act. Since he took responsibility for those towns, he forced those townspeople who worked for him to accept the following principle: I give knowledge – you give work. [kind of like he sweatshops]. He forced people to work/rest/marriage/when he can leave town/who enters it. Kind of totalitarian institution town. None of the towns ever b/c economically viable.

-he tries to reeducate those people

-there was a patronizing tone to the inspectors

-Rothschild saw his helping as economic support. At certain point, he sold his support to a private company [of his family] àcriticism – this is people, not merchandise that you're selling!

Main point: those who decided were the philanthropists and not the people here.

-there is a gap b/w how we see ourselves in Israel and how philanthropists do

-new yeshuv:

* first Aliya – came for personal reasons - 1882

* second Aliya: came for political reasons – were çìåöéí b/c they came to settle the country/ they were secular/idealists/socialists. They came here after pogroms, instead of most others who went to USA. They were poor, and didn't know how to live here, so most left. They still leaned from $ from Europe. They did not achieve economic independency. Some died from hunger. Until WWI, there was tension b/w new and old yeshuv about who gets the $ from abroad. The new yeshuv got less $

Another problem: WWI

-$ sopped coming from Europe b/c of the war, but $ came from US. The jews who came from EE gave the $ to those who they new – new yeshuv/2nd Aliya

-there was a discussion about where this $ should go. The agreement was that the $ should go to building the country:

Conflict b/w old and some of new yeshuv vs. the rest of new yeshuv

-old yeshuv thought that you also need to help individuals. Most of the new yeshuv said: you can't help individuals, but building productionist things, i.e. factories, will eventually also help the individuals. Eventually the larger new yeshuv camp won out

àthe $ decides [recurring theme]

Hadassah helped the individuals, though other organizations helped the



-ben gurion establishes this union

-the 2nd Aliya did not want to turn for help from abroad. They disagreed w/ those urban majority of New Yeshuv who did accept it. So they turned inwards, and created organizations that can support themselves in time of need. The group is internally and mutually responsible when one is in need. That’s how the term ÷åôú çåìéí is called what it is. At first, it wasn't a medical thing, but rather a fund for those who can't work [when they're sick] - they get sick funds. The ôåòìéí áéäåãä established them [group b/f the union]. The services are given on a membership basis. You needed to belong to a union group in order to survive, and it was on a membership level

-the Jews came here with set parties from abroad – huge politicl mess, so the productionist parties decided to unify that will help the settlement of Jews in Israel (especially after balfour declaration in 1916)

-So Ben Gurion decided that in order to unify such different groups: you pay membership to organization which moves $ upwards to central gov't. BG is scared that all those parties wil mess up the central gov't, so he said that all members will be part of the central union/gov't , so that if your specific party/union is in disagreement w/ central histadrut, then you are still member of central histadrut. Parties lose some power.

-the "red-notebook" is of the central histadrut. A person could not get services of Kupat Cholim if he was not a member of Histadrut. With time, there were many services given by Histadrut to members only.

-many of those bodies are still around today

-don't forget, you had to be member in order to get services. The implication is that if you're not a member, you don't get services àif you were not a worker [productive] you did not get the services. Even if you were an independent/bourgeois worker, you were not a member! –i.e. the doctors serving there was not part of histadrut! Vs. teachers who were considered productionist, so they did get membership in histadrut.

-we see a connection political views and $. [same as in kollel's time, where beliefs made you get services.

1931: the kollels are weak. The old yeshuv is weak vs. the new yeshuv/histadrut which are strong.

The åòã ìàåîé was the unification of all of Jews in Israel. Represented Jews to Mandate Gov't. they represented all – not just workers [i.e. old yeshuv/white collar people]. This body was above the Histadrut. They collected taxed and functioned like Knesset today. They had voting/bills/etc. they worked in the direction of representing everyone. It was established by some parties which got unified and got ruling status by the British Mandate. (it was established in the 1920s)

-in 1931, the central committee felt that welfare/social services are neglected ànot everyone was part of Histadrut! And there are different grass-root organizations working in chaos ways. So the do Social Work department in order to give services to those not covered by Histadrut. The social work department had 2 goals:

1) standing by the family [i.e. helping the poor]

2) sending those who can work back to the work-cycle.

-in the 30s, there was a food shortage – lack of milk. So vaad leumi had discussion of giving milk to the kids. The question was which kids would get this daily cup of milk. There has a fight b/w vaad leumi and histadrut. Histadrut said: the milk has to go to worker's kids. Henrietta Szold, on the other hand, said that all kids gotta get this cup of milk. She take opposition to the notion that work=rights. She won out. Here is an expression of a mamlachti responsibility approach of the gov't

Mamlachti= universal, for everyone kind of an approach

Social policy and moral principles – donison

On what right do we tell people how to run society?

-gods? Perception of gods change w/ society and needs

in capitalistic philosophy: 2 ways to get moral society:

  1. what did just people do?
  2. Some things are so important that it has to be in a good leader – we just have to implement it in society.

But, as seen, people even w/I the same school of thought have different ideas

Primary ideas:

There is a debate not about primary values but of the society that we live in – should be give emphasis to security or to freedom? Equality? Etc…?


  • Maslow came up with his pyramid.
  • Criticism of Maslow: there are basic, objective and universal issues that every society needs to deal with àthus you can dictate values
  • Criticism of criticism: you need to define those broad terms


  1. freedom/quality of life/needs of person
  2. relationship b/w the individual we're dealing with and the society

relative morality

-when the morals are rooting in the given society, it gives he morals authority

Absolutists: will assume that primary values are the same everywhere and work from there.

Relativists would claim:

-you need to be right on 3 levels:

  • empirical: my facts are right
  • analytical: my extrapolations are right
  • moral: I need to be morally right

-so since we're relativist, the best thing to do is to change things bottom up. [.e. tax on cigarettes work better than campaigning against smoking]

-so morality develops with society

Social policies:

-they change with time, and it is our role to be involved to influence [for the better] ever-changing policies. Those policies influence values of that culture

Example: British policy is a downward spiral for the weaker.

Conclusion: in whatever policy you take, make sure you're not getting anyone to suffer. Whatever suffering needs to be avoided or healed

Class, 11/12/06

-last class, we spoke about the different components of social services. The strongest part was the histadrut part. They gave large amount of services, i.e. employment, health, welfare, etc… it was worth it to be in the histadrut, just for the services.

There was a question when social department was established by åòã ìàåîé: where should a person turn to when he needs help? And is there a connection b/w his affiliation and the places where he can turn. Those not in Histadrut got services by right of being part of yeshuv [kind of like citizenship] – except marginal group, everyone had right to services.

-but Histadrut members, in addition, also got more services [from the Histadrut]

Henrietta szold:

-establishes Hadassah in US, and later also in Israel

-Hadassah gave services to everyone [classical capitalistic philanthropic approach – universal approach]. This is opposite from Socialist view of Histadrut – have to be working/members

-she was part of Mapai – working partner, but she went against their views! [i.e. milk to everyone]

-henrietta szold established the SW departments. She does this right after the Great Depression. åòã äìàåîé wants to make and organize SW department.

Question. Why did they phrase themselves with the word organize?


b/c there were many philanthropic initiatives, and they wanted to organize this.


  1. how do we establish the S department?
  2. And where does the funding come from?


  1. she took professional SW [mostly immigrants from Germany] and placed them in municipality. The wages came from municipality, but Henrietta Szold is their inspector. [ from municipality/inspection from åòã ìàåîé]
  2. the $ will come from municipality. Problem: the municipalities put it on the lowest priority of funding. There was some $ from arnona and philanthropy from abroad. So each place's services was a function of its municipality's function. [today, it is uniform to all]

-she did failed in unifying everything, but she did succeed in establishing SW umbrella organization. So you have the chaos of âî"çs and also municipal SW department

In great depression: many Histadrut people were unemployed, so they turned to Hadassah for help. Hadassah said: only for $ - b/c if you have membership in Histadrut, then you have $, and then you're not poor as you say. They turned to Hadassah b/c their services were better and more comprehensive that the Histadrut services. The problem: there was no unity in criteria for philanthropist organization. Shaarei tzedek has a criteria for discounts. They ask the rabbis of old yeshuv to check that your people are really poor. If not, we won't accept your claim that person X is poor. The claim was that the rabbis don't really check the guy's economic situation

1948 – establishment of state of Israel

-what characterized the Histadrut was productivity. Whomever wasn't a member id the building the country party, you were a minority. And if you were unemployed/or had problems then you weren't productionist and you weren't "fit". The problem was that problems did not spread across party memberships. i.e. handicapped/retarded

Histadrut – gave benefits to work accidents but not to birth defects – that was åòã ìàåîé's problem.

In creation of the state: what should we do with the histadrut's services? So they made BTL – this was supposed to replace histadrut's functions and make it universal. The principle of BTL at the time was that everyone is somehow relate to work. When you got kid benefit/unemployment were related to work. i.e. the kids benefit was called ÷öáú éìãéí òåáãéí

-BTL was under work ministry – ruled b strongest party

-saad minitry went to weakest party

Socialism of the time b/c very limited – if you work, you are first rate. If you don't work, you are 2nd rate. Sounds capitalistic. They held this very strongly, b/c at that time, they needed the productionism to build the country. [the capitalist and the socialist both focus on work, but socialist also has an element of membership of collective]


-the BTL finished establishing itself. Alongside it was the îùøã äñòã – it inherited the gaps in support-giving (i.e. b/c of municipal funding). The ñòã wanted to unify the standards of giving. The state treasury tried to stop this. So they succeed in doing so w/o the treasury's help. [by 1956]. The downside was that it was a low benefit. It was so low that you had to realize that you can't live off of it. There was a huge gap b/w BTL's benefits and ñòã's benefits. (i.e. if you were a worker, you had decent benefits for whatever problem. If you weren't, then you were in bad shape]

1980 äáèçú äëðñä law

-law said that people should get unified pay supplement benefit regardless of why you can't work. This broke the work norm that prevailed until then. But still, the ñòã is lower b/c it is from general tax, and BTL is higher b/c it is from worker's tax. Still, the difference b/w the fit and unfit is still around – i.e. BTL vs. øååçä

Class 18/12/06

Class canceled because of Chanukah

Class 25/12/06

Supplementary income law – 1980

-not an insurance law – it comes from gov’t $ [though it comes from BTL, which acts as a secondary contractor. It is not like other things like of benefits which you pay through your life. This law is only law w/o budgetary limit

-the diff. b/w BTL and Saad/welfare office [same office]:

Way to give services:

-when the state or other agent decides that he wants to give a service, there is a wide way to do so: he can:

-another question: who will executes it?

-thus there is a split b/w the funder and the actor of services

-i.e. gov’t has contract w/ a specific place

-The gov’t can have one of 2 approaches:

Important: local municipals are not governmental –they just get the $ from the gov’t and act out the services.

-the services from the social services are generally given by non-governmental bodies the gov’t approach is to fund/inspect but not run.

-as said: BTL services are given with $ and social services are seen services

BTL –with time, they also developed seen services – old/handicapped. Social services was angry b/c they thought it was our problem!

Exception: çå÷ äñéòåãé – defined as both insurance $/services model law. First of all, there is an element of insurance, since BTL collects $ also for ñéòåãé fund. The law says that the person doesn’t get the $ back as a regular insurance. Rather, he gets service instead of $. In this sense, it is an exception – it in an insurance law that is gotten as a service and not $ - b/c the people here are dependents and need to be protected – thy are not in a situation where we can expect them to go use their $ to get services. Question; can we trust kids of the old fogie with the $? Law said no. in this exception case, gov’t has contract w/ agencies. Each case is weighed with a committee that includes BTL and Social services. If the old personal doesn’t get approved, BTL doesn’t pay

The Golden age of social services – in 80s

1980 –çå÷ ñéòåã

1982- went into action

Then no law until 1995 [çå÷ áøéàåú îîìëúéú]

-by and large, all these social laws are pretty functional and stable. Even the cuts that occasionally took place did not collapse the systems – shows their stability. The system in Israel is pretty good on international standards

-in personal social services, the budget is pretty much stable over the years. The budget does not relate to new needs – thus we would expect increase in budget for the social services [i.e. Aliya/alcoholism/violence]. 34% of the personal social services budget goes to old benefits! This is a huge %! We must not forget that behind the old people are all of the Israeli society [their kids are everyone!]. vs. special populations which have must less broad support


îé÷åã ùøåúéí –focusing of services

-this means to prefer one group over another in a specific field. For example, with abused women, I prefer to give services to haredi than to non-haredi group. I prefer to give more $ to peripheries than to center. In short – I prefer to help a specific group. [I give one at expense of the other]. This happens b/c of political priorities. Not in the party sense, but in the socio-political sense of different pressure groups w/I society/

Kinds of focuses:

-obviously, categorical focus is easier – there are clear [objective] criteria – less need for testing criteria

-need focus has an element of inequality.

-there is tension b/w the need to help the special individual, and the equality of the larger group

Class 1/1/07

Class cancelled

Class 8/1/07

îéöåé åàé-îéöåé æëåéåú

-in practice getting the benefits vs. benefits theoretically being there but it is inaccessible

àthere is a gap b/w benefits and actually getting there

-n BTL, only 70% get their benefits, and not b/c they don’t come, but that the policy lingo of BTL is so convoluted. This is also on the ô÷éãéí level – they don’t know al the convolutions in order to give the benefit to the person. They might think that the client doesn’t deserve it while the client really does. This is part on any big bureaucratic system. Lawyers do now this –that is their jobs. Sometimes, lawyers also come to BTL!

Note: -there is a gap b/w the politician/law-maker and the people in the field.

For example: if gov’t decides to increase the income of single moms. But the politicians intentions is to improve those people’s quality of life. The people in the field who have to operationally translate it. The politicians said something general. The gov’t gives $X million to it, but don’t give specifics. The people in the field, translate this into practice and this doesn’t necessarily work out according to the politician’s intentions.

->for example: clerk has right despite rules to give benefit in practice. They interpret the law. Thus, the clerk’s interpretation makes or breaks the benefit.

Tendency: the clerks tend to say no when in doubt. It is easier this way – they act stringently in times of doubt. This tendency increases in-application of the benefit despite politicians’ intention to do so.

àthis trend seems to be true for all non-universal benefits

Another issue with specific selective services

-the policy of the specific branch of social services also influences the benefit giving in practice. For example, how much the Social services branch manages itself influences how much/good services that they give

Interest/îçàä groups


-why is there not real objection to tough social services situation?

àthey seem not to work?!?


-there is a difference b/w interest organizations that try to change the system from w/I the system (i.e. interest associations) vs. others who try to change the whole system (–i.e. objection groups)

àthe changing from w/I works better – too hard to change a whole system the to advance your cause from w/I it.

Macro: we need to realize that all $ we achieve to get for our achievement comes at the expose of others’ àthis is an ethical dilemma

-only objective groups in Israel that did work was the black panthers who did succeed in bringing structural change to the social services to the weaker

àwhen do such cases succeed? When they threaten the stability of the gov’t

-so, up to now, we spoke about various ethical dilemmas: clerks/bureaucracy/advocating one vs. another issue

Yael yishai

-basic values of the state allows us to understand the phenomenon of gov’t helping only when feeling threatening

- from the 30’s, the unemployed were seen as bad – the social welfare office was always given to the weaker party

àthe poor is seen as insignificant until today

-the anti-structure organizations are really structure

-those organizations seem to be anti-establishment, but in practice they work together

Class 15/1/2007

çå÷ ñòã-every city has to make social services department. The problem is that the law does not define what exactly that means [which services were to be included

àthis law is very empty in terms of $ [though it is full of principles]

-by the gov’t’s standards, there is no basic right to get services.

-statutory law: law says that BTL is besides budget: i.e. old/kids/-in supplementary income, if person passes test, he gets the $ àthose are exceptions – the rest is just a matter budget

The 2 exceptions are:

For other things: like kids at risk

-the law says what to do but not that it is compulsory to do so à thus none can come and claim that they didn’t get the services

-now –the treasury doesn’t want to give any more blank checks, since the old people benefits got 12 times more people than predicted

1958 law:

-among others, said that the Social services are municipal. The federal gov’t may be funding it, but the municipal is the enactor.

The ideological question is:

Who is responsible for the weak – the community or the country?

So gov’t decides: the “normative” gets $ from gov’t [as seen in BTL = meant for the worker] – vs. the “non-normative” –i.e. non-worker/wife-beater/criminal àas a state, we’re not gonna take responsibility for those people

àthe gov’t made a split b/w the normal vs. non-normal

[1980 – supplement income is an exception]

-since the gov’t did not take responsibility, the real meaning is tat: gov’t is not responsible for equality and thus the gov’t can decide which things to fund, according to its own will.

For example: Tel-Aviv gets much less $ b/c it is richer. Yeruham gets almost 100% of its social budget. The gov’t can play with this. The catch is like this: Tel-Aviv has better services none-the-less, since those central cities do have that budget to override the gov’t’s funding. Tel aviv also has an independent Arnona and Social Services get $ from this

Question: how does the mechanism work?

-this mechanism is a reaction to the lack of funding definition in the 1958 law

-in the last few [say 10] years, the enactment branch, in the localities are beginning to change: the local gov’t gives the $ to òîåúåú to run services for municipalities

ài.e. municipality b/h like the gov’t!!! pass the responsibility onwards

Warning: the municipality gives the $ to various associations, but when you come to get services in the city, you don’t know who you’re working against – the association/city workers are both in the city’s building



-this word means to makes something legal

-mondilak wrote about this

-the question is what the role of the parliament/peoples/court in the social system?


i.e. should we reduce kids/old’s benefit?

àquestions like that could be dealt with in various places, i.e. in the populace/parliaments or in courts

-teacher’s opinion: must be discussed in populace/parliament. Public needs to be involved. In the past, Histadrut represented the people’s voices. In the 80s, it weakened a lot. So the public had a hard time expressing himself. The democratic mechanism of Israel still works [parliament]

-problem: the Knesset avoided several issues, i.e. avoid Shabbat issues – the Knesset tries not to take a side. Then Supreme court comes along and said that everything is juridical [i.e. Judge Barak of the Israeli supreme court] = - if parliament doesn’t say something, we will! – juridical activism

àcriticism: the court decides political question

Result: when hot issues came to court, politicians tried to get out of the issue, they sent them to courts

Aftermath in the social welfare:

-what was once a political channel for people to influence [i.e. protests/pressures] are now not a “political” thing, but rather a court thing

àincreasing # of groups use court in a political way


Multiple questions 45-50 questions. Each question is 1 out of 2 choices.

Emphasis: no tricky questions – don’t read beyond question – some questions are formulated not good

End of Class!!!

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