Law and Social Work - English class notes -2007

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Social work and law

Class – 26/2/2007

-SW and law meet in:

-we’ll speak about ethics t/w end of course


Laws – we’ll learn in class + she’ll refer us

Articles – read all

Rulings: all – found in law library on computers

-two 1st classes will deal with legal system here is Israel

law hierarchy:

alise miller – read 4541/94 – read only factual parts

-she did a pilot license civilly in SA – when she moved to Israel, she wasn’t accepted as pilot in the IDF b/c she’s a girl

àher claim was that this is against the equality [ëáåã äàãí] – if there is a basis for “discrimination” then it is not discrimination

-army said:

miller: also read decision: pages 100-115

  1. basic law
  2. primary law

-every law could start in one of 3 ways:

  1. gov’t decides together about a law
  2. a specific Knesset committee
  3. private MK could initiate a law


  1. law is proposed
  2. Privately initiated law: the initiating MK reads “Kria Tromit” – first reading b/f law runs in the system
  3. first reading: basic idea of law. The relevant minister reads it.
  4. the committee relating to the law discusses the specific clauses
  5. second reading: the edited law is read to Knesset and voted on specific laws
  6. third reading =vote on whole law

-law said that total majority can have a law hat is against a basic law

  1. secondary law

-all laws in Israel are published in something called øùåîåú – if not – it is not a valid law

Courts: interpretation of law

-each law is signed by related minister , Knesset speaker and PM. Basic law says that all law is signed by president except laws about presidency

Class 12/3/2007

Civil stuff:

Legal system has 3 components:

  1. peace court – some 30 in Israel – they deal w/ 2 main issues: civil [contractual] and [under 2.5 million shekel] criminal àanything up to 7 years. If above that, it automatically goes to regional court. The issue of land is also dealt w/ here: usage of land. Usually 1 judge, special cases – 3 judges
  2. regional court – 5 in Israel. Land issues: ownership of land. If someone is not happy about peace court, he can appeal it here [w/I 45 days –in right –i.e. w/o anyone giving you permission] 2nd appeal – w/ permission [of the supreme court] – absurd: if you first get a punishment sentence 2nd time, you can’t appeal that!. More than 2.5 million shekel or more than 7 years sentence. Easier cases 1 judge, harder cases 3 judges. Appeals -always 3 judges, but an appeal over an arrest detention [which the peace court decided]– 1 judge. More than 10 years, always 3 judges, but not always happen w/ 3
    1. Beer Sheva
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Nazareth
    4. Haifa
    5. Tel Aviv- deal w/ more lower courts’ cases than say, one in Jerusalem

  1. supreme court
    1. to appeal regional court
    2. Bagatz

-another permission appeal in Supreme court:

        1. if something needs to be changed in order for case to proceed in regional court, yu can appeal it in the middle of the trial –i.e. regional court decides to revoke immunity of someone who has it
        2. some special decisions –appeals only in high court – i.e. accounting/law license

-in some special cases, if someone wants to appeal supreme court, you can have another hearing, w/ more than 3 – usually 7

àonly in specified cases, i.e. if court changes a consistent stance of the legal system/special cases/some new case where we never had to deal with/sentence which is hard to fulfill/in criminal – if someone has evidence contrary to what was sentences àretrial [sends it back to regional court]

To get retrial: need to produce new evidence or prove that evidence shown was false

Clause 15, 30– khok yesod shfita

Special courts:

  1. Family [kids/divorce/inheritance/etc…] – parallel to peace court
  2. Rabbinical
  3. Juvenile courts– parallel to peace court -12-18 year olds. b/f 12 – ô÷éã ñòã
    1. Murders, in principle, are life-sentences. But in juvenile, it is not necessary
    2. In cases where parents fail to take care of kids, the juvenile court deal w/ it – what to do w/ kids
  4. small claims court - peace court level –until claims up to 17,800/no lawyers/usually tries to get compromise. Appeals are by permission [of the regional]
  5. work court –work-related –also a rep. of social thingies
  6. transport court

-next case, speak w/ bagatz!!! – ASK

class – 19/3/2007

supreme court:

  1. appeals
  2. bagatz: against the institution – fix injustices of state against people

-but to get bagatz, you need to:

  1. go to all the options beforehand
  2. need to be judgable
  3. reasonable time -ùéäåé

Family courts

-the actual divorce/marriage is the religious court

rabbinate law, 1st clause, says:

1) jews, residents or citizens, are under rabbinate court for marriage

2) for divorce: mezonot, $, kid’s education and visitations, housing, can also be discussed in family court

Wife mezonot: until divorce, men have to support wife. In modern world, women also support themselves, so some claim that he doesn’t have to pay her support – and courts accepted this and said, that there needs to be a balance of resources

4th clause:

This creates a battle of authority:

note: mezonot: not after divorce. But yes for kids

chok yachasei mamon - 1974

-law saying the divorcees have to split half-halfàregardless of the court body

Example- babli case:

-if husband is worker and wife is housewife. The rabbinate splits half-half. The wife asks high court [bagatz] to ask rabbinate to follow law, and bagatz does this

-yet, in general, rabbinate keeps ignoring this, saying that this is halakha

Other disputes – i.e.

problem: this ads an elements of unfairness into the family dynamic: whoever files first has more say

note: there needs to be specific discussion about kids, and take their best interest into account. If not, one partner can always claim that it wasn’t a valid discussion

-once a decision is made, you can’t change it. One court will not discuss something in other court’s authority. You can’t appeal it

àunless something new comes up

àthe kids, w/ time, can ask to have change

Class 26/3/2007

çå÷ ìîðéòú àìéîåú áîùôçä -1991

-recognizes the difficulty of living w/ someone who is violent

i.e. dad who harms kid or wife and families could do nothing, and complaining in police didn’t do anything

àalso, legal bearocracy took long time, and complaining made things worse

Until then

-women gets housing/distancing order

-in family court, both parties have to be there, and it is hard to get

Law was ment to make things shorter

Clause #1 says: also parent/sibling/kids/grandparents who hit

-in such cases, woman can go to court to get a distancing order –can’t come into contact w/ women, or deal w/ the house

àuntil then, the thing was to distance the women to a shelters [and still happens in cases where distancing ordr in not enough] – prob.: it detaches her and the kids from their surroundings/friends/school

-police now have units dealing w/ violence in families ài.e. settings which make it easier and more comfortable for women to complain

Minors who hit:

-often, the parents are helpless

-turn to pkidei saad/settings outside the home

àso often they turn to police hoping that kid will be taken from home [they don’t want him to have criminal record, but they can’t deal w/ it]

-the family violence law doesn’t give enough details as to what to do with abusive minors

Conflict problem

-you can turn to either court or religious court àeven w/ only 1 side present! –is valid for 7 days until when there is a discussion w/ 2 sides present àcould can increase up to 3 months for up to 6 months or 1 year

Abuse of abuse law

-some women complain w/o it really happening –i.e. in order to gain more in divorce


-i.e. in divorce –at times when kids spend some time w/ each parent

-in this case, the women complained to Rabbinate court to give distancing order to dad – b/w she said he sexually abused their 6 year old kid

-court asked SW pkidat saad to see what’s flying and get a psychological profile on him

-the court said: the father can see kid in seeing centers, but otherwise, the distancing order is still in place

-dad wasn’t allow to cross-examine psychologist, so he goes to Bagatz saying he couldn’t cross-examine psychologist and deal w/ the false complains

-Supreme court decides that bagatz is not relevant here, especially in Religious courts. Bagatz will only get involved when there is a blunt crossing of laws in Rabbinate court

àafter all, the man can easily appeal to higher rabbinical court

Judge Beinish: wrote about how no education excuse for even slapping

Violence law: 1, 2a,b, 3, 4, 5a

-usually husband is not allowed to carry weapons, unless they have good reason to specify otherwise

Assistance units of the court

-every family court has Social workers/psychiatrists/psychologists

-minimum ma in SW and at least 5 years of family treatment experience

-each judge has a SW working w/ him. He advices the court in those sensitive issues that court deals w/. this helps court to also take social and psychological factors

Units’ tasks

-every region has this unit

Questions which came up:

-class was off for a while b/c of Passover and a stupid student strike

Class -14/5/2007

-last class, we spoke of éçéãåú ñéåò

Today, we’re gonna speak about the child-protection law – çå÷ äðåòø (èéôåì åäùâçä)

àthis law speaks of kids in need - ðæ÷÷åú

-Israel has juvenile courts – áéú äîùôè ìðåòø

-it is at the peace court level (áéú îùôè äùìåí)

Juvenile courts deal w/:

  1. juvenile delinquency
  2. youths in need –when there is no one to care for them


criteria if needy kids – úé÷ ðæ÷÷åú

clause 2

  1. no one in charge of him – i.e. infant left in hospital – so SW in hospital deal w/ such cases
  2. the caregiver of the youth is unable or neglecting the caring for the kid
  3. the youth does a crime and doesn’t go to court [b/c he’s under 12 – which is the legal age in Israel where kid can be tried
  4. the kid is wondering the streets/working illegally
  5. kid is under “bad influence’ – or lives in crime scene [gambling/whore houses]
  6. basket category/ òéìú ñì –the kids physical/emotional welfare is undermined
  7. infant born w/ addicted mother “withdrawal-symptom child”

-in each of such cases, you have a ô÷éã ñòã –of the local city [they get the status after passing the course of îëåï ìòáåãä ñåöéàìéú]

Note: there is a diff. in social worker who works under welfare/city/hospital in regards to whom to listen to: i.e. city head of head ô÷”ñ

ô÷”ñ who thinks a kid is in danger based on information coming to him can go to court in order to ask for treatment [can because they can also go work with the family]

àcourts only help when nothing else worked

àso court can give any sentence w/ aim of helping the kid

Courts can also:

  1. give mentor/çåðê to the youth
  2. give charge to ô÷”ñ – i.e. telling the youth that he has to follow everything ô÷”ñ says
  3. psychiatric evaluation
  4. if kid has AIDS – you need to report to parents [not other diseases]

-beyond those, ô÷”ñ also deals w/ emergency measures – i.e. take kid out of his home – such a decision is valid for a week – and then ô÷”ñ has to prepare the proceedings and report to court – afterwards, courts decide what to do, and they don’t always follow the ô÷”ñ recommendations

çå÷ äðåòø/youth protection law – clause 11

-ô÷”ñ can take measures for a week w/o parental agreement –i.e. kids shelters. After that, court has to decide how to proceed

Criticism: need more control àthus many such cases end up in áâ”ö – supreme courts

-claim: you must find other solutions

-by the way, there are also shelter families –îùôçåú ÷ìè

-usually, court follows up on kid – every half a year

àif the court sees that there is cooperation, then they might even close the case, but, usually a case is followed up for years

Double criticism:

-the needy child case [úé÷ ðæ÷÷åú] begins when ô÷éã ñòã goes to court. But this is very cumbersome, while, ironically, criminal cases take much less time for the system to handle

Recent legal precedent –civil case 3970/98 – someone sues state of Israel and Tel Aviv municipality:

-claims øùìðåú –negligence in treating him as an abused child

plaintiff’s claim: you could have helped before hospitalization! And there was no need for hospitalization in the first place [he claims that he was not suicidal] – in short, the government’s social services had the responsibility and they disregarded it

when you sue damages for negligence, you need to prove:

  1. person owes the plaintiff something
  2. they neglected that
  3. the damage is related to the neglect [causality]

sentence: the hospitalization was justified b/;w the kid was suicidal at the time, but the city was supposed to be more careful in dealing w/ the case earlier – so court awards plaintiff 200,000 shekels from the City of Tel Aviv

why is this a precedent?

-Because it gives municipalities and their social services responsibility over treatment of youths at risk


No class


çå÷ àéîåõ

Adoption law – 1981

-deals w/ adoptions in Israel

-the body in charge of adoption is ùøåú ìîòï äéìãof social services

àthey deal w/ biological parents/adopting parents/adopted kid/kid of teen pregnancy

-is the kid is old enough, he can see the file

Adoption law:

Clause 2 you can only adopt someone less than 18 years old

Clause 5: you can only adopt someone of same religion

When does a kid get adoption?

Clause 13

-the reasons for the court to claim that the kid is adoptable, regardless of parent’s will

  1. you don’t know who the parent is or can’t find his opinion
  2. the parents weren’t married and dad does not recognize the kid as his kid
  3. the parent dies or is unaccountable for himself - ôñåì ãéï
  4. the parent abandoned the kid or refuses to have contact w/ kid for at least 1/2 year
  5. the parent, w/o a reasonable cause, refuses for 1/2 a year to care for the child
  6. the kid is held out of his home for at least 1/2 year above age 6 and parents refuse to accept him [i.e. kids are in shelter] – we will give kid a trial basis of new parents
  7. the parent is unable to deal w/ the his own b/h and situation, and there is little chance that parents’ situation will get better
  8. there is a refusal to get kid out of illegal places [i.e. kid lives in gamble/hore-house]

-adopted parents have legal status of regular parents

-biological parent can change his mind b/f the adoption process is over [i.e. up to after the kid is in adopted family for at least 6 months]

Clause 16:

The adoption gives the kid and adopting parents same rights and responsibilities of biological parents, and it stops those responsibility and rights of biological parents, unless the court claims otherwise

-after adopting statement of court is set, adopting parents can’t change their mind

-biological parents aren’t allowed to be in touch w/ kid, but they can put in letters and photos in adoption file

The case of the fought child

-adopted parents sue biological parents

-pregnant biological mom asks for adoption b/f birth. Says that she’s not Jewish but dad is and they are now not in touch. At age 10 days, the kid is adopted. Soon after, biological mom changes her mind saying that she was under duress of psychological situation. Now she’s ok and her partner joined her. The court looks into in and the professional reports were ambivalent

-there was a debate about where the kid should be while the court is deciding the case, so the adopted parents were chosen

Regional court decided to return kid to biological parents and at age 2, the case comes to Supreme court

3 factors:

  1. kid’s best interest: biological and adopted parents are weighted to see which is better
  2. biological parent’s benefit and rights
  3. interest of adopting parents

Generally speaking:

-court goes by whatever is best for the specific child

àit doesn’t look at biological vs. adopted parents – just whether more harm is done to child if he stays w/ biological or psychological parents or detachment from them. They are based on professional opinion of the specific case and not guiding general principles


Supreme court says: w/ time, the damage increases in he stays at adopting parent, so you can’t return kid. Also, just b/c parents now together, then you don’t know how labile that relationship. Also: when biological dad found out that he had kid, he did not immediately do anything

-after this case, the biological couple had a girl – so now they claim that brother has to grow w/ sister. Afterwards, a third child is born, and here again, the media asks whether the child should return to biological parents

Main point: the point of this case is to show how complex the adoption issue is, and you will never know [as a judge] what would have happened had you decided otherwise. The cost is negating the basic human right of biological parents [and siblings] where the benefit is having a better family context. Sometimes, after adoption, you see a regression in kid’s situation. Some cases, the court decides b/f knowing the full ramifications.

b/c of the huge ramification of adoptions:

-various attempts to have less totalitarian adoptions [i.e. open adoptions]

àin Israel, it is generally a closed adoption. But sometimes, a court decides on a open adoption: from regular meetings to letters. Also here, the benefit of the child is paramount, and is done only in agreement of all parties


-easier to adopted when he is older or when he has an impairment. From age 9 years, the court won’t give adoption sentence, unless the kid agrees too. If the adopted kid doesn’t know that the adopted parents are not his biological parents, and he’s doing ok, then he’s not told he’s adopted

Class 4/6/2007

Juvenile court

-it is a peace-court level. It has 2 functions:

1) deal w/ need kids –çå÷ äðåòø -éìãéí ðæ÷÷éí(èôåì åäùâçä

2) juvenile delinquency çå÷ äðåòø -ùôéèä òðéùä åãøëé èéôåì

Clause 2: needy is when:

-so law said that is social officer [ô÷éã ñòã] can turn to court to ask for order asking for treatment. Sometimes the parents agrees and there is no problem there/ ô÷éã ñòã and courts come in when parents or kids do not agree. So the ô÷éã ñòã gives a therapeutic plan to the court. Until now, the ô÷éã ñòã is the one who can open a “needy child” case. There are calls to also allow judges to open such cases.

àthe judge can give any order he sees fit as helping the kid – i.e. even judge can even order that kid goes to this and that school at those hours/mentor/ô÷éã ñòã/court visitations

-the approach is rehabilitative – tries to take is personal situation into account

àvs. punishment

-in USA – criticism of paternalism/easy hand approach

àso juvenile court there b/c more punitive and the juvenile crime rate went up

Scotland: court only decides if the kid is guilty or not – the sentence is decided o in a community forum setting [community representatives/Social professionals]

Rehabilitative approach: is taken b/c

1) adolescent period is marked by changes -and

2) the crime is a symptom – so we’ll deal w/ the problem and not w/ the symptom – but if the court sees that there is no rehabilitation – then he is given punitive measures, since he is un-rehabilitatable

Testing service for kids ùøåú îáçï ìðåòø – teats those delinquent kids [there is parallel service for adults] àthe service is under social services

àthey are social workers, and they take care of the social aspects of the case [i.e. gets info from school/work and meets him] – and then decide whether court should charge the kid. Age 12-13 – test officer has to approve the charges. Above 13, the police has to wait 8 weeks in order to get the recommendation of test officer. –so until 13, there needs to be approval of testing officer. After that, the police has to wait w/ the charges to give a chance to get recommendation


-test officer gives initial recommendation to police

-if charges have been laid, then the kid continues to meet w/ test officer and they give the social image to court

-in court:

àthus many people plead guilty when not, and many have deals

-unlike adult cases, there is no split b/c seriousness of crime in the juvenile court system – and they have more powers. So regional attorney general can ask even serious cases [which involves kids] to be sent to juvenile courts [who have status of peace court]

-2nd order court [regional] when judging an appeal from a juvenile court, they are also under juvenile court status – so they also need recommendations from testing officer

-the juvenile courts see kid b/f the crime

-in Israeli law, you can’t put a kid in jail if he’s under 12 [true to age of conviction and not age of the crime]

-if sentence includes a treatment plan, then the Testing office is in charge of following up on it

Class 11/6/2007

Juvenile delinquency


-new thing: the right to ùéîåò - -if someone is about to be charged – he has a right to speak

clause 20 of youth law – sentencing and punishment

-the testing office runs under the function of a forced therapy – i.e. the court sentencing depends on the process of rehabilitation

Recommendation of test officer:

  1. personal background
  2. regard to the crime – i.e. is he aware of crime/regret/etc…
  3. recommendation
    1. convict/not convict – 3 options
      1. conviction
      2. therapy recommendation
      3. off the hook w/o court order [24th clause of youth crime law]:

Therapy recommendations:

When court doesn’t convict but rather rehabilitate [clause 26 of youth treatment law]

Recommendation of testing officer:

-usually, testing office’s recommendation is accepted – but supreme court has been calling to not be the testing office’s signature

-after recommendation, each side has a say b/f the sentence is done

-usually prosecutor tries to get tougher sentence while defense tried to get softer sentence

àusually, parents, lawyers, testing officer, school principle, Youth worker, and [rare] - victim

-under age 14 - no jail term – absurd: you can arrest but not jail him! The thing is that it the sentencing date but not crime date

úäìéëé àéçåé

-attempts to rectify situation

-many crimes have victims as well -w/ time, there is more weight given to the victim

ài.e. won’t be brought into all of trial or told the youth’s result

-a few years ago, the law “victim of a crime’s rights” was passed – i.e. after a closing/settlement w/ the criminal is done, it has to report to the victim of the crime

àwe see this in the being b/w victim and suspect


i.e. àéçåé-an attempt to rectify b/w sides

÷ã”î – ÷áåöú ãéåï îùôçúéú

Done by testing service or private [outsourced] agency

àfirst , an objective, 3rd party testing officer [or in agencies – SW] asks suspect if he wants to do this [and he feels regret] and then the victim. If they say yes, then they meet after preparation of both sides. Usually police officer is present. And it involves a rehabilitative act

àthis process allows for closure for the victim

-at first, the victim says what he is experiencing

àtries to fix not through revenge

Class 18/6/2007

÷ãí = ÷áåöú ãéåï îùôçúé

-this program is meant to meet b/w families to come up w/ a rehabilitative plan

-âéùåø is another program

-the àéçåé programs are meant to minimize damage and give an answer to emotional/social/economic needs of the victim. It involves taking responsibility/apology/rejecting the acceptability of the act by the perpetrator

àhe has to take responsibility for his act

-in such a program, there is no scaring – it is not meant to send a øèééä message to all society. Instead, there is an attempt to strengthen the community’s ability to deal w/ its problem w/o relying on state facilities

àthe hope is that this will be an alternative to courts – but in severe cases, it ill go to court. The appeasement program might be part of the trial, but the court will be the main force behind the process

-Sex crimes/family violence/terrorism are kinds of crimes which you can’t have the appeasement processcriticism: you can fix a lot w/I family violence this way

--new topic--

Handicapp*ed people

2 kind of handicapped relevant to this class:

  1. mentally retarded people
  2. mental disorders

retarded - ôéâåø problems – çå÷ äñòã – èéôåì áîúáâøéí – 1969

-legally speaking, when a person’s ability is lacking at age 18, you can diagnose him as retarded [until then, it is “conditional diagnosis”]

-retardation levels: easy/medium/hard/profound

-the law says that: if doctor/parent/teacher/whatever thinks a kid is mentally retarded, he is supposed to report to ô÷éã ñòã and they report to parents. The ôøéã ñòã has some stuff he can do to make sure that things will be done for the kid:

-the ô÷éã ñòã makes a committee

Diagnosis committee

àafter the committee convenes and sees the kid and decides what the story is, they decide how to treat. They take into consideration the wills of those responsible over him, the actual retarded person/to the question of how dangerous he is/his religion

Clause 7a(b) of the law says: when deciding on the encompassing [out of home] program, there is preference for living in the community

-beyond this, this committee also allows the retarded person to get BTL – áéèåç ìàåîé

Clause 19 of the law: deal w/ arrest of a retarded person. Courts will not proceed w/ the case but rather suggest rehabilitative measures [if proven that the retarded person can’t be held liable] àmight need another committee to verify the retard status

ùøåú ìîòï äîôâø- service for the retard – is part of tha social services in Israel – they are all over Israel

Questions that may come up:

çå÷ ùéååï æëåéåú ìàðùéí òí îåâáìåéåú

àdeals with their rights

àcourts might give his word more weight if his retardation is lighter

-social services give services to retarded people, but there is a limit in # of recipients b/c of the definition clause of developmental problems “needing treatment” and “adjustment problems”

-everyone is legally able to be judged except if court or the diagnostic committees

-some things, i.e. the usual things that minors do, kids do have legal standing: i.e. agreements w/ employer. But other things, i.e. renting apartments àw/ things that minors usually do not do – their signature is invalid

çå÷ äëùøåú äîùôèéú åàôåèøåôñåú –legal ability and guardianship

àassumes that everyone is liable for actions from birth to death, unless otherwise stated in law or by court ài.e. minors’s liability is limited by the law [needs adult representation]

8th clause of çå÷ äëùøåú äîùôèéú åàôåèøåôñåú

A person w/ mental retardation or emotional disorder, court can label him as legally unable – ôñåì ãéï àwhen he can’t take care of himselfàthis status limits or negates totally his legal independence àhis status b/c like a minor [i.e. needs guardian permission for most things]

ànot all retards and psychiatric patients get this status

-this status can change, if he proves otherwise later on, or the court claimed the person to be legally unliable yet was wrong/person’s situation improved

Guardian –could be a private person/company/general guardian [a body in legal system]/health ministry representative/holocaust remembering agency

Question -court will could assign a guardian?

Answer: law claims that several people can get this status:

  1. a minor whose 2 parents dies or are ôñåìé ãéï or their guardianship was negated or do not fulfill their parental duties for no apparent reasonable reason [i.e. not in cases where the parents are temporarily sick]
  2. for a ôñåì ãéï
  3. For a person who for temporary or permanently take care of himself [guardian needs to be someone who wants and can do this task]
  4. A person we’re unable to identity [i.e. abandoned infant/wounded person after a terror attack
  5. Embryos in addicted parents

-guardianship appointment - related to h.m. he is limited and how much family can help him out w/ special need

Class – 25/7/2007

mental disorders

-2 main areas of discussion in this class

äçå÷ ìèéôåì áðôâòé ðôù –1991

The law differentiates b/w civil and criminal hospitalization

  1. Criminal: if a court fears that the criminal is emotionally sick –they send him to forced hospitalization or forced mental treatment in outsourced clinics
  1. Civil: the regional psychiatrist ôñéëéàèø îçåæé - can ask for a certain person to undergo for a checkup on someone, and after it, he thinks that the person is a danger to others or to himself, he can ask for hospitalization

rehabilitation law çå÷ ùé÷åí ðëé ðôù á÷äéìä – 2000

-tries to solve the revolving door phenomenon in the psychiatric hospitalization population -the law tries to advance the mental disorder rehabilitation to get maximum independence and life quality while respecting their human rights

Places of help for the emotionally sick w/I ñì ùé÷åí

  1. Housing
  2. training and work placement in regular or protected jobs
  3. education
  4. social/leisure clubs which focus on social skills
  5. family advising
  6. dentistry
  7. general person taking care of all-encompassing needs

Combining social works in legal offices

-new awareness that legal experts also need to deal w/ social parts behind the criminal behaviors –models were imported from the USA to Israel lately

àsocial workers are able to find and help w/ those issues [i.e. refer client to community resources] – after all, those who did a crime undergo stresses like addictions/economic hardships/emotional problems/family stresses

àso legal experts need more access to testing officers/social services/criminal rehabilitation/drug rehabilitation/psychiatric hospitalizations/violence rehab/ô÷éãé ñòã/psychiatrists, psychologists and criminologists

àa person who is untrained for this [i.e. the lawyer] – it is not an idea situation for this, and the client will not get adequate help in his needs. It might even come out as lawyers chose irrelevant experts or programs which do not help and even harm the client along the way. Communication w/ different professions might have mis-communications, so SW in the legal service help mediate b/w the lawyers and the social/emotional services [even though there may be some tension b/e the two professions]

àallows the legal service to be more encompassing

-this cooperation is not always clear, especially for lawyers appointed by the state

Class – 2/7/2007

-social worker’s part in Law office

  1. The fact that a lawyer is not a therapy expert, he doesn’t know the terms and this may harm the client
  1. SW should give preliminary report to attorney general when social services needs to be involved and they do not know the client yet [and thus we need more time] – this gives a broader image of the client and his needs – even in beginning stage of court case

-the therapist may give a certain image out of interest – so you can cross examine him

  1. when SW works in law office can give better info to testing office about the client – i.e. when someone gets arrested in Tel Aviv and he lives in the north
  2. will help in cooperation b/w lawyer and client
  3. SW will help lawyer understand expert opinion, and help build a rehabilitation plan for the client
  4. The social worker will answer the client’s needs even after the criminal process in helping w/ services in the community

important-the testing office recommendation is not always accepted by the court


-next topic: SW law – who can work as a SW and how. Then – secrecy/privacy issues



A student of SW who Haifa university kicked out b/c in her residency in 1997. this was because she was supposed to meet the parents of a kid, which she claimed that she did, while she did not really meet them. She even wrote fictional reports/ she had a history of cheating on exams. While being suspended for year from university, she went to psychotherapy in the university’s clinic. After a year, she appealed the decision to kick her out, and it was not accepted – she was banned from SW studies. She keeps on appealing the university’s disciplinary board, w/ lawyer/therapist – yet they were not accepted. They claimed that she needs more time to prove her trustworthiness. So she goes to court w/ her claim that she needs to be reaccepted. Court rejects her claim and says that the social work profession requires more than academic studies but also personality factors like integrity/etc…, and the school of SW has a right to decide who is fitting for the job, beyond academics, but also judging by personality and behaviors, especially as seen in residency [which is an integral part of their studies].

-her claim was that the university was negating her freedom of work [basic law] – as seen in this case, basic laws are not blindly overriding – so protection of the weak of the society is more important than an individual’s right to chose his profession freely

social worker law

-This law organizes the profession legally -until then, the law did not define who can work as a SW

2 main criteria:

  1. will have a degree in Social Work in an academic institution in Israel [if studied abroad, there is a procedure]
  2. being written in the social worker’s union

-the point is to have supervision/inspection over the profession

-in 1982, the social minister decided that there needs to be an academization of the SW field. Until then, anyone w/ a certain degree [listed in the law] could be a SW

àthen gov’t institutions started sending their SW to study

Question: what happens w/ those student already studying? Can they work as SW in light of that new law?

Answer: Orot college was such a program and the deputy social minister come to the understanding that for 4 years, the college will have gov’t inspection over contents of study and who studies. If this program gets the gov’t body in charge of higher learning approves it’s academization –then the college can then continue giving SW degrees.

-the SW union sues in supreme court saying that this is against the social services’ policy of academization – and that this was a political move!!!! Court refuses to get into the academization process, and there is a debate in policy in this matter. Court says that the decision was made w/ authority- the work and social minister can get involved in this and did get inspection in! and he has the right to make his policies! Court says that the political claim is unsubstantiated. – so this decision of the minister might suck, but its legal.

-social work law enfixes who and how SW can work

How: “as accepted by the SW profession” – this is a very amorphic definition!

Purpose: to improve individual’s function in society [while psychologist law is more concrete – helping in the emotional realm] – still here, the law is also amorphic

-SW law claims that you need ú÷ðåú like ethics. So this brought up 10 clauses which by not following those ethical clauses, you break the law.

SW ethics book:

-lists actions based on values of SW:

-clause 7/8 is a primary law in Israel [privacy and secrecy]

-the ethics code of SW refers to SW b/h as a social agent. The goal of the profession is to make the best of your job w/I honesty in personal b/h

-from about 70 clauses in SW ethics code, the law took 10 of them and made them into the law [know them for the exam!!!]

-the law considers SW a real profession which is aimed to improve the individual/family/society’s function in therapy/rehabilitation and w/ professional techniques used by SW. there is a problem here! You can’t define something w/ itself – i.e. you can’t explain what a chair is by saying that it is a chair.

So still, you have the aforementioned 2 overriding principles

Class – 9/7/2007

The law says: -a person can’t be a SW unless he is a SW [learnt it in an accredited place] and is registered

Privacy and secrecy

-every client has a right to privacy and every SW is obligated to secrecy

-7th clause of SW says: the client has a right to get info about his treatment – excluding info about other people or the SW’s private notes [i.e. not the client’s file]. The SW has a right not to give all the info if he thinks that there will be damage w/ giving the info. This move needs approval. Lately, there were court-cases around that issue.

-the main question here is when and to who the info is given. So if the client agrees to the SW giving info [secrecy waiver] –then the SW can give info to the person agreed on.

-the law says when he can turn for info [see clause 8 for info – imp!!!]

ñåã î÷öåòé

(à)îéãò òì àãí ùäâéò ìòåáã ñåöéàìé áîñâøú î÷öåòå, çåáä òìéå ìùîøå áñåã åàéðå øùàé ìâìåúå àìà áàçú îàìä:

(1) äàãí ùòìéå äîéãò äñëéí áëúá ìâéìåé ìàçø ùäåñáøä ìå îùîòåú ääñëîä, æåìú àí äòåáã äñåöéàìé ùåëðò ùäâéìåé òìåì ìôâåò áàåúå àãí àå ááï îùôçúå;

(2) äâéìåé äåà ùì îéãò ùðîñø ìòåáã ñåöéàìé ùìà òì éãé äàãí ùòìéå äîéãò, åáìáã ùäòåáã äñåöéàìé ùåëðò ùäîéãò ãøåù ìùí èéôåì áàåúå àãí àå ááï îùôçúå;

(3) äâéìåé äåà ùì îéãò ùðîñø ìòåáã ñåöéàìé áéãé äàãí ùòìéå äîéãò, åáìáã ùäòåáã äñåöéàìé ùåëðò ùäîéãò ãøåù ìùí èéôåì áéìãéå ä÷èéðéí ùì àåúå àãí;

(4) äâéìåé ãøåù ìùí îðéòú ôâéòä áàãí ùòìéå äîéãò àå áàãí àçø;

(5)÷ééîú áçå÷ çåáä àå øùåú ìâéìåé äîéãò àå ìàéñåó äîéãò;

(6)äâéìåé ðãøù òì éãé åòãú äîùîòú ëîùîòåúä áçå÷ æä;

(7) äâéìåé ãøåù ìîèøú ôé÷åç î÷öåòé òì òáåãú òåáãéí ñåöéàìééí àå äãøëúí åáìáã ùäîéãò ééîñø ø÷ ìáòìé úô÷éãéí åòì ôé ëììéí ù÷áò äùø ìàçø äúééòöåú òí äîåòöä;

(8) áéú îùôè äúéø àú âéìåé äîéãò, àí ðåëç ù÷ééîåú ðñéáåú îéåçãåú äîöãé÷åú æàú.

(á) äåøàåú ñòéó ÷èï (à) çìåú âí òì ëì àãí ù÷éáì îéãò ìôé äñòéó ä÷èï äàîåø.


-some court cases dealt w/ when SW has to testify in court as to things said in therapy

àthis is a blow to secrecy

2 kinds of secrecy levels

Complete secrecy

-cases when the professional doesn’t have to say anything about the client [i.e. lawyers]

Relative [partial] secrecy

-when the professional does not has to testify unless court said otherwise [and despite secrecy law] – this is for doctors, psychologists, SW, religious leaders

50a of ô÷åãú äøàéåú

-as defined by SW law, does not have to testify about someone in his treatment, and the info got to him, as part of his job as a SW, and is a kind of thing that would generally be given to a SW w/ the belief that it will stay secret [unless the client signed a waiver, or the court decided it is too important for justice than not to be heard in the court]

-this law gives the SW secrecy rights, and parallels his status to that of psychologists so to encourage the working together b/w client and therapist w/ building trust relationships, and where the client knows that what he said to the SW are secret and doesn’t fear exposing info.

-court has to decide and not giving the info will harm his defense. On the other hand, the court has to decide when the info will harm the client and thus the court has to come to a fair balance

Example 1: client asks to waiver secrecy

Example 2: court asks

-the SW wants to testify that she thinks that her client is abusing his son. The dad claims that that is his personal problem. The SW asks to testify despite the client’s resistance to this [and his right to secrecy] – the court is shown the SW’s police testimony. The court decides that the revelation of this info is more important than the right to secrecy. The court decides that the person is not “çñø éùò” but is borderline, and thus it is hard to say that in his state, he can be taken into account when we look at his resistance to opening up the info

There are things that do not go well w/ having a lawyer representing you. The meeting w/ ô÷”ñ to prepare a report is not a lawyer kind of thing. Thus the court set a boundary and says that ô÷”ñ can meet in private w/ client so he can do his job

àô÷”ñ, unlike the other SW, are not bound by secrecy and have to report


Example of a test question:

-According to 50a of ô÷åãú äøàéåú – the secrecy of the SW is partial/never/etc…

-the municipal psychiatrist has a right to state that a person needs an urgent need for psychiatric evaluation. Which criteria are needed?: property damage/causes suffering to other/the person is sick and thus has bad reality testing/he can’t care for himself

Tip: know criteria for certain processes

End of course!!!!!

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