מין ומיניות - סיכומי מאמרים

חזרה לאתר

תודה לעינב לנדואי שריכזה את רוב החומר
עבירות מין בקרב בני נוער/ אתגר טליה
Sexual Orientations- Crooks, R. & Baur, K
Sexual arousal & response ,chap. 6- Crooks, R. & Baur, K
Sex therapy and sexual enhancement: Crooks, R. & Baur, K
Perspectives on sexuality - Crooks, R. & Baur, K
Contraception/ Crooks& Baur
Corey, G. & others. (1993). Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, Chap. 6
Rosenbaum, T.Y. (2002). Physical therapy treatment of vulvodynia
Sloan, L. (1998). Social workers' knowledge of and experience with sexual Exploitation by psychotherapists
Sotomayor, M. - The burden of premature ejaculation: The patient's perspective
Hicks, K.M. (2005). The "New View" approach to women's sexual problems
Basson, R. (2002). A model of women's sexual arousal
Shulman, L.P. (2006).Contraception today: Risks and benefits in scientific, clinical and sociocultural context
Sehgal, V.N. (2003). Erectile dysfunctions
Identity conflict in modern Orthodox Judaism and the laws of family purity -Mark Guterman

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